View Full Version : ADT layer Manager

2005-06-09, 01:55 PM

We have several machines that load the standard Autocad Layer Properties manager dialogue box instead of the ADT Layer manager.

As far as I can see no one has tampered with their installations more than rearranging their toolbars.

All the machines were installed from the same server image. The problem arises on both win2k and winXP machines.

Does anyone know what is going on?

Autocad ADT 2005, win2000 and winXP

Mark Ratcliff
Cad Manager
Rambøll Norge AS

2005-06-09, 04:12 PM
I'm sure the coffe hasn't kicked in yet for me. What is the problem? Is it that you are using ADT & it loads the ACAD layer manager? Or is it that your using ADT & want to use the ACAD layer manager but it won't load?

2005-06-10, 06:25 AM
We are using ADT but the Autocad layer properties manager appears instead of the ADT one.
We have tried various options suggested elsewhere, using the commands _layer, .layer, ._layer etc but nothing works.

Mark Ratcliff
Rambøll Norge AS

2005-06-10, 06:33 AM
Are you using a profile specifically for ADT or are you by chance using ADT with a profile set to run as AutoCAD? If that is not an issue, I would recommend running a repair on your install of ADT from the add/remove programs.

2005-06-10, 06:38 AM
The profile is the "Out of the box" ADT metric profile plus our custom profile. I have tried the repair tool in add remove programs, but that didn't work either.
I'm going to try a full reinstallation on one of the problem machines to see if that cures it.

Mark Ratcliff
Rambøll Norge AS

2005-06-14, 06:25 AM
OK, reinstalling did not work either but I think I have found the cause.

The machines that work OK were installed from the original network image and had service pack 1 installed manually. Those that give the wrong layer manager were installed after the service pack was added to the network image.

Therefore it seems that Autodesk make a bug fix that damages the original program, very helpful.

Mark Ratcliff
Rambøll Norge AS
Bergen, Norway