View Full Version : Software CRASH

2005-06-09, 07:40 PM
Hi everybody:
I am using 30 days trail period Revit, I am trying to put my new design in there.
It is very frustrating. Problems are as the following:
A- most importantly software crashes all the time CPU is working full extension and over heating from one view to another view, it is a nightmare, Messages "if there is any " because software freezes 95% of the time", = [[Revit not Responding]], and at the bottom of the page save bar shows saving and saving %bar time after time.....never ends and I have to abort manually the program because nothing happening.
B- User Guide and the information about the program is poor,comparing to Architectural Desk Top, which by the way dose not react the same way for this same project,I can not get the information about what to do.
My computer is self mounted with Intel mother board 1,85 MHZ P4 processor.ATI 9800 all in one wonder 128m graphic card.SCSI sys. with 15k RPM Seagate Hard drive.
this thing does not work...........................could someone advise me where is the problem?..........and if I'm doing something wrong?.
thanks in advance.

2005-06-09, 08:24 PM
Didn't you nail it yourself - overheating? Revit is CPU intensive.

2005-06-09, 08:35 PM
Many such issues are resolved by unchecking the Open GL setting.

Tools > Options > Graphics (see image)

2005-06-09, 11:46 PM
I have already done this,,,no result...........since I posted this problem........many more times......I had to abort the program!!!!.
thanks again

2005-06-10, 12:01 AM
Could you post the file ?
Also, i set the page file to twice the amount of RAM for both the intial size and the maximum size.

2005-06-10, 01:17 PM
My computer is self mounted with Intel mother board 1,85 MHZ P4 processor.ATI 9800 all in one wonder 128m graphic card.SCSI sys. with 15k RPM Seagate Hard drive.

Does that "128m" refer to your graphics card memory, or your computer's RAM?
If you've only got 128 Meg of main memory, you'll really be hurting. Revit needs AT LEAST 512 Meg of RAM and really should have a Gig or 2.
This from




Intel® Pentium® 4 1.4 GHz or equivalent AMD® Athlon™ processor

Intel® Pentium® 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent AMD® Athlon™ processor (recommended)1 GB RAM

2 GB RAM (recommended for large projects)1 GB free disk space

1024 X 768 monitor and display adapter capable of 24-bit color

Two-button mouse with scroll wheel

Phil Read
2005-06-10, 01:21 PM
Strangely enough, some case designs work better with Revit than others....



2005-06-10, 01:56 PM
I want one!

2005-06-10, 02:35 PM
Just for the record, I have used Revit from 3.0 to Revit 6.1 with only 256MB Ram and really found no problems.... Now I have a Gig though!!1 ;)

Does that "128m" refer to your graphics card memory, or your computer's RAM?
If you've only got 128 Meg of main memory, you'll really be hurting. Revit needs AT LEAST 512 Meg of RAM and really should have a Gig or 2.
This from




Intel® Pentium® 4 1.4 GHz or equivalent AMD® Athlon™ processor

Intel® Pentium® 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent AMD® Athlon™ processor (recommended)1 GB RAM

2 GB RAM (recommended for large projects)1 GB free disk space

1024 X 768 monitor and display adapter capable of 24-bit color

Two-button mouse with scroll wheel

2005-06-10, 04:29 PM
thanks for response. 128m refers to my video card...I have 2gig of ram .I did turn off both open GL acceleration and Use overlay plan......and it is better than before...........................but last night I had one more incidence again...????............
thanks again

2005-06-10, 05:19 PM
Sounds like your video card may be overheating... I'd check your running system temp and make sure all the fans are working and not blocked.

2005-06-10, 05:58 PM
I bet there's one item that's melting down the entire system - the 15k hard drive.

2005-06-10, 06:38 PM
To reinforce what everyone else is saying, this is almost certainly a hardware problem (sounds like overheating) or possibly some kind of windows/driver issue.

Since you're new to Revit, and many other new users may be reading this thread - we don't want anyone to get the wrong impression. It should be made clear that it's almost certainly not the "fault" of Revit (and if it somehow is, it would be an *extremely* unusual case). Revit is demanding on hardware, and will reveal system performance problems/weaknesses before other less intensive applications like word processors or even autocad does - but that's not a flaw in Revit.

Revit is not perfect, but it is easily one of the most stable software applications I've ever used - and definitely more stable than autocad/adt in my experience.

thanks for response. 128m refers to my video card...I have 2gig of ram .I did turn off both open GL acceleration and Use overlay plan......and it is better than before...........................but last night I had one more incidence again...????............
thanks again

2005-06-10, 11:42 PM
this is SCSI 15000rpm fastest hard drive in the market not a 15k hard drive with 320 ultra SCSI port!!!!
I think I has to do with Video Card............but this one is one of the kind too..............I can not figure this out................may be is my 1,85 P4 CPU?????????????????
Thanks for input

2005-06-10, 11:53 PM
to response to your comment......
I do not the answer but what I know I have Autodesk architectural desktop 2006...........and speed of for example to change view to view compared to Revit, is like 1/1000 of the time. Switch.view or get the responses in reasonable time from Hardware is essential for me......................I like the software and I am promoting it to the other friends.... but I have this concern that this software is very slow to operate.....any commend react time "if changes or reduced to 1/500 of second" in architectural design would make a big difference...............it is to me to find out......
by the way, I will "99% chance" switch to Revit because I love the new challenges anyway....................thanks!!!

2005-06-10, 11:58 PM
this is the machine with 6 fans " the sound and the noise is bothering me"..............no sys. problem so far................and as I said previously...........it would probably be some internal Sys. setup...............but I do not know what?
Thanks again.

2005-06-11, 12:01 AM
I will do this in this weekend...............be patient with me thanks ................the project is not compelled and I am a beginner with Revit.................not in architectural design so.just kidding..

2005-06-11, 03:00 AM
k stands for kilo, so 15k = 15000. That's indeed the fastest, but it's also the hottest. Then again, with 6 fans you should be fine...

2005-06-11, 10:09 AM
Anyway the reality is that Revit is incredibly slow (Especially with big projects and not only residential housing). Everybody can notice that... I mean everyone who knows a little about CAO. OK it's a database but it's also awfully time-consuming. I am afraid to say it because I use this soft every day. (Maybe Revit was designed to work with XP 64) . I really hope it will be improved in one way or other (This soft is too smart to be that slow)

2005-06-11, 10:27 AM
Anyway the reality is that Revit is incredibly slow (Especially with big projects and not only residential housing). Everybody can notice that... I mean everyone who knows a little about CAO. OK it's a database but it's also awfully time-consuming. I am afraid to say it because I use this soft every day. (Maybe Revit was designed to work with XP 64) . I really hope it will be improved in one way or other (This soft is too smart to be that slow)
I don't experience this slowness. I have worked on very large jobs, ranging from whole shopping centers (shell and interiors) The largest shopping center I worked on was composed of 5 different buildings. Of course I haven't worked on the World Trade Center, but I would consider them large, and I can say that I have produced much more out of Revit than in previous jobs...my 2 groszy (polish cents)

2005-06-11, 10:47 AM
It's amazing.
How do you manage it? I mean I am a 2 years experienced user (France) not a guru but not a novice neither. I manage a 4-5 team revit users with worksets, design options and vibilities the way you have to do it. We are working on 70 000 / 130 000 m² (Sorry I am not used to square foots) I am still facing slowdowns with worksets and some very common tasks. Ok I don't speak about rendering or even printing raster presentation which is obviously time-consuming! I don't say even that it'sa nightmare to use Revit because you are waiting all day long. No I just say that Revit is not especially a speed soft.
My only goal is to understand what is true or not... Maybe you can tell me?