View Full Version : Roof Join problems

2005-06-10, 03:53 AM
Is anyone elese having problems joining simple roofs like this one. Can't get it working other than using cut geometry tool.

2005-06-10, 05:02 AM
Is anyone elese having problems joining simple roofs like this one. Can't get it working other than using cut geometry tool.If you adjust the middle roof so it doesn't touch either of the other roofs and then use the Join Roof tool it should work. It fails because it's already touching the roof. At least that my wild assumption based on the image...;-)

2005-06-10, 11:42 AM
If you adjust the middle roof so it doesn't touch either of the other roofs and then use the Join Roof tool it should work. It fails because it's already touching the roof. At least that my wild assumption based on the image...;-)Tried that but then I get this message

2005-06-10, 12:11 PM
I have the same problem as Alex. I have almost given up on using the roof join tool as I get the same error message almost every time. I usually end up using the join geometry tool instead.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-10, 12:44 PM
Any chance you can post the file for us to look a? I have duplicated a scenario similar to the picture with no issues. Mabey looking at the original file might help!

2005-06-10, 12:46 PM
Hmm... worked like a charm for me. My guess would be some prior associativity is interfering. Walls joined to other roofs or some such thing. Try making the roof elsewhere and moving it into place and attaching the walls after the fact.

2005-06-10, 02:24 PM
Hmm... worked like a charm for me. My guess would be some prior associativity is interfering. Walls joined to other roofs or some such thing. Try making the roof elsewhere and moving it into place and attaching the walls after the fact.Worked for me finaly. Problem was order of pick. If I am not mistaken, in previous Revit versions you pick the roof to extend to and then the one to be extended. Now the order is reversed !?
Thanks guys.

2005-06-10, 03:19 PM
As far as I know, you always pick the edge you want extended first, and then the roof to extend to.

I can also tell you that your narrow roof on the far right in your first image will not be able to be joined to the main roof because it overlaps the main roof. I wish that weren't the case but unfortunately it is. :(