View Full Version : Project Browser Organisation

2004-01-09, 02:20 PM
Now I have 6 up and running I see this particular tool being very useful to me, however, I had hoped that I would be able to define subcategories and when I established a new view nominate which of these it would enter. That doesn't appear to be the case.

How are people using this and what have they found to be the best way of using it?

David Conant
2004-01-09, 04:51 PM
Since we don't know all the ways you may want to sort out your sheets we have made the functionality more general.

You can do what you want by adding a shared parameter to drawing sheets and then sorting based on the value of that parameter.
Go to File|Shared Parameters, and create a new shared parameter to sort on.
Go to Settings|Project Parameters and add that parameter to Drawing Sheets.
Go to the sheets branch of the browser and create a browser organization that groups by the value of that parameter (use a set number of leading characters to allow a coarser folderization)
On each sheet view go to view properties and enter the desired value for the sorting parameter.

Scott Hopkins
2004-01-09, 06:01 PM
I was wondering about that too. Thanks David.

2004-01-09, 08:23 PM
David, that is brilliant.

Thank you

2004-01-12, 12:25 PM

I have had a look at this and can see how it works. Is there a similar parameterised means of applying the same control to Views? I would like to have a series of 'bins' that collect details, GAs, M&E and so on and these should ideally be able to work regardless of scale, view title etc.

Any thoughts?

2004-01-12, 05:43 PM
For views you could just name the view starting with those prefixes. Not elegant but would work since you can still have anyname you want once placed on a sheet.

2004-01-12, 06:06 PM
That mucj I had worked out Scott, it was the elegance that I was seeking out.

David Conant
2004-01-12, 06:10 PM
This strategy works just as well for Views. Views and Sheets have indepenent Organizations set in the browser.
Simply add the shared parameter to Views in Settings|Project Parameters, then create an organization in the Views branch of the browser that folderizes based on that parameter.

2004-09-24, 02:06 AM
I have added window elevations to the project I am working on by using individual elevation views and applying a view template to these. They look great for my window schedule.

Although of course I have 23 or so elevation headings in the project bropwser and am therefore wanting to condense these into a neat little folder entitled "elevations - windows" within the elevation list - similar to explorer organisation.

I have read the above by David and done the tutorial but this is of not much help to me as it doesnt really explain the detail stuff. Could anyone (David?) give me some ideas (as detailed as possible please) since I am an explorer in this area of revit. thanks

2004-09-24, 02:57 AM
OK here goes…

Create a Shared Parameter. File > Shared Parameter > New > Name – call it ‘View Sort” or whatever. >Type is Text > Save.
Settings . Project Parameters > Add > Shared Parameter > Select – “ View Sort “ from the list >Check the “Views” category. ( only instance is available not Type )
Select one of the window elevations > Properties . see that there is now a parameter listed called “ View Sort” > enter text “Window Elevation”. > Repeat for each of the window elevation views.
Settings > Browser Organization > Views > New > enter a name for the new browser organization say “ Funkman’s Browser “ > Folders – Group by “View Sort” > back out and select the checkbox to display “ Funkman’s Browser “ as the current organization.
All the Views now appear in the Browser sorted with a new folder called “ Window Elevations” that contains just the window elevations.

2004-09-24, 04:34 AM
thanks beegee, I did that, but what happens is that all the other views have been distributed under a "???" listing - all with 3D views, plans, area plans, elevations, floor plans, RCP's and sections. I just wanted to add a sub-folder to the elevations folder?

2004-09-24, 05:28 AM
OK, .... go back into your Project Browser Organization settings and set the first " Group By " to be "View Type", then the second Group By to your Shared Parameter, ( using All Characters ), then by Group Name and Sort by Group Name.

That will give you a folder under Elevations titled " whatever name you used for the sorting parameter ". There will still be ???? for the other Elevations, but all the other Views will look like the standard project browser setup.

2004-09-24, 05:40 AM
thanks beegee - I am sorry to bother you again - I got that to work, however it seems all the categories of views such as "floor plans", "sections", "3D views" all have the same '???' under them as a sub-heading - is this normal or expected?

2004-09-24, 05:49 AM
I haven't figured out how to fix that as yet.

2004-09-24, 05:56 AM
okily dokily, no worries, thanks for all of that anyway, it is a great help trying to understand how it works.

I wonder how others are handling this?

Martin P
2004-09-28, 08:51 AM
I have just resorted to prefixing views with a category name, it seems a bit over complicated for the amount of views I actually create - and the other usrs in the office would not have a clue to see any of my views.

A drag and drop into into a right click created folder would have been my ideal project browser, not sure why the current is different. I hope I am not being offensive to any when I say that I really dont like the way it is at the moment at all, it seems a little complicated to achieve a fairly simple result. The project browser should be as simple as windows explorer.