View Full Version : Missing Page Setups in Page Setup Override

2005-06-10, 03:09 PM
So I'm exploring Sheet Sets for the office to see what issues may arise. And one has.

I made a new sheet set from the default template. Added existing layouts. Set the Page Setup Override property to point to our template file that holds all of our page setups.

Selected Publish > Publish using Page Setup Overrides. And saw that some of our page setups did not show on the list. The ones it's missing are any that have Display selected as the Plot Area. These page setups are for plotting extents to the paper.

If I select New and type in the page setup name, I'm told that a setup with that name is already defined and do I want to redefine it. I select OK, and I edit the setup to use Extents, and save it.

Now it shows up in the list and is modified in the template, and other sheet sets can now see it.

Why does selecting Display vs. Layout make a page setup not be loaded?

I've fixed this by setting the initial page setups as Layout, and then in Manage Page Setups modifying them to be by Extents.

2005-06-15, 07:30 PM
The plot area in a page setup override needs to be defined by layout. In my opinion this is a big mistake by Autodesk. We are using 2005, I hope they changed this in 2006.

I was taking a SSM class at AU this past year when this subject arose. I was told that Autodesk is trying to promote the use of plotting layout although they could not explain to me what area defined the "Layout". Hmmm.

We normally plot a window that is the same size as the plotted paper and set the origin to "center the plot". This works well for all sheet sizes and we have been doing it this way for years.

When plotting layout the origin is different for different size sheets and varies slightly depending on the plotter/printer.

This sounds like a wish-list item. I'm gonna go search the wish list forum now.

Does anyone know if SSM page setup overrides can have a plot area other than layout in 2006?

Glenn Pope
2005-06-15, 08:41 PM
The only 2 options are Layout and Extents in 2006.