View Full Version : Cheap Furniture

2005-06-10, 07:10 PM
ok... trying to give bob some competition for gallery item of the month... :lol: ok... I couldn't say that with a straight face... but, thinking of modeling ones own house... back in college when I had nothing better to do with my time... I started to make a 3D model of my apartment... I had autocad 2000.
It was pretty goofy looking, so I'm just going to show you the furniture... and, if it looks cheap... yep, it was... that desk couldn't even hold my 17" monitor... had a wood block propping up the center. ;)

I had originally done a plot to jpg, but, it came out pretty lousy so this is a screen capture.

2005-06-10, 07:21 PM
ok... trying to give bob some competition for gallery item of the month... :lol: ok... I couldn't say that with a straight face... but, thinking of modeling ones own house... back in college when I had nothing better to do with my time... I started to make a 3D model of my apartment... I had autocad 2000.
It was pretty goofy looking, so I'm just going to show you the furniture... and, if it looks cheap... yep, it was... that desk couldn't even hold my 17" monitor... had a wood block propping up the center. ;)

I had originally done a plot to jpg, but, it came out pretty lousy so this is a screen capture.
College? Spare time? What's that? Granted I was married when I went back and had two kids during the process.

Is part of your UCS showing?

2005-06-10, 07:26 PM
College? Spare time? What's that? Granted I was married when I went back and had two kids during the process.

Is part of your UCS showing?
~tugs at skirt~ my wot? oh, ucs? no, that's just my crosshairs... (hush)

granted, I had one by the end of college, but, it took me 4 years to do my 2 year degree... the first two years were busy... I had a social life and 3 jobs, but, by halfway through I was down to just this one job and had nothing to do with my time but iron.