View Full Version : Registration and Activation Not Working

2005-06-13, 12:34 AM
I haven't seen this problem lately, but as of right now, I am having a major problem getting Revit Series to stay authorized. I have been through about 5 authorizations over the phone with Autodesk and it still keeps dumping. I thought I had it fixed until I downloaded the latest Revit build. Upon upgrading, the license manager decided the license was bad. So, I will have to call once again in the morning. Has anyone had any luck find those Key generators for version 8. That would at least keep me going and allow me to work through the weekends when needed. Not to mention I just dropped $12,000 bucks for software they are not letting me use because of their sloppy activation process. I have two license, only one not working. Both use the same serial number because that number happens to be the group subscription number. Very irritating.

Anyone else having these problems?



2005-06-13, 05:11 PM
I've had the same problem since v7.0. Autodesk has reactivated it every time I asked, but then I lose the activation, as you have. Autodesk suggested I contact my reseller. I did. My reseller says they have a lot of this problem with Network liscences, though mine is a standalone. My reseller said what they found with the Network liscences is that downloading the web update without deactivating BOTH the firewall and anti-virus software can be a problem. Apparently, Norton Anti-Virus actually blocks some files without telling you, so you wouldn't know something got screwed up. My reseller suggested I reload my CD version to see if that fixes the problem. I haven't done that yet. The other thing I've noticed is that after I get the reactivation from Autodesk, things seem to work until I reboot my computer and/or shut down and restart it.

I'll be checking this out in a day or two as, once again, I have only a couple days left since the software has me trial mode again. This applies to my Revit, my AutoCAD and my VIZ.

Geof Narlee.

2005-06-13, 08:05 PM
I contacted Activation again and they told me that I have activated the product too many times and they are now locked out of my contract and cannot generate anymore activation codes for me. Told me to contact the reseller and I did. They seem to think this problem has never happened before and are "researching" the issue to find the cause. I thought I had it until I downloaded the new update. You can't deactivate antivirus and the firewall in my situation of being on a corporate server. Therefore, Autodesk needs to find out why these files are getting screwed up and fix the problem, or send me new CDs each time there is a release as I am under subscription. This is only happening on one of the three computers it has been installed too. Funny thing is I actually found a key gen for version 8, but I will wait and give Autodesk a chance to fix the problem. Right now I am sitting here on AUGI twittling my thumbs - very productive!

2005-06-14, 01:47 AM
"They seem to think this problem has never happened before" (yeah, right!).

I've "activated the product too many times" on the same computer and they didn't give me a problem with it. In fact, I ran into it when one of my computers crashed and I had to buy another one. I just told them "Hey, I'm a single user, cut the cr@p." Actually, I didn't even have to. They were very nice. In fact, they've always been really nice even though not too helpful in solving this problem. Once, about a week ago, they said they gave me a 30 day liscence & that I needed to wait to the exact 30 day expiration to then call the reseller and fix it. Isn't that crazy? Well, whatever they did, it wasn't a 30 day liscence. I think they're a little screwed up on fixing this stuff. (After all, they're only the biggest CAD software company in the world!).

That "key gen" sounds like something I like to have!

I'll let you know what happens in the next couple days as I'm trying to fix it

2005-06-14, 01:02 PM
That "key gen" sounds like something I like to have!

Beware, keygens are highly illegal, and are considered an act of piracy if used. I would delete it immediately. You paid for the software, let autodesk sort it out, call them every hour if necessary.


2005-06-14, 02:52 PM
They are only illegal if used providing the EULA says so or if the US or State laws have forbidden them. Otherwise, they are fair game. Using them would probably break the EULA, but if Autodesk isn't allowing me to use the product I paid for aren't they breaking the EULA as well? At the least, it is false advertisement all the hype they give about their smooth and easy activation process. I have been effectively locked out of this product for 5 days with no end in sight. No one calling me back to let me know what the progress is or anything. I guess I will have to start putting my new projects in the old system and wait another month before implementing Revit which is paid for. I guess it is like buying a car that is a lemon and it spends most of its time in the shop under warranty, but paid for. I can't believe it is this hard to fix. Not when there are so many who haven't had any problems. One computer should be a lot easier to isolate a problem then say 1000 hetrogeneous computers. There should be at least a place in the software where I can input the request code and activation code from an earlier successful activation. Afterall, the request code supposely has the computer machine information (unique) stored in it, so you can't cheat - right?

2005-06-14, 03:31 PM
Reseller just called with an update, believe it or not. I am glad at least they are taking care of their part, but then again, they are wanting to keep that $12k. Anyway, they said they have no clue as to what could be happening and that this has never happened before, so now they have sent it to the Support Escalation Team to find the problem and get it resolved. I should try the key gen to see if it works, and if it does, then I know it is on Adsk side and not mine. I really don't see the problem with the key gen because the documentation says it only gives an activation code from the software supplied request code which means the activation code would have to be exactly the same as the code supplied from Adsk if they were able to give me one. So, what is the problem so long as they could let me send them the information for their records and verification. I didn't see anywhere on BSA site about key gens. Some software companies say they are illegal, but the key gens in question are actually generating serial numbers - not activation codes based on a legal serial number and request code. In this case, the activation code is pre-legal. I don't think the laws cover that one. Maybe the AGAiN guys are code breaking lawyers.

2005-06-15, 09:25 PM
Well, the good and the bad. The bad is that I will have to wait just a little longer for Autodesk to get the fix for my problem through QA. I don't know how long that normally takes, hopefully it is quick. The good news is they know the problem and actually already have a fix or very near fix for the problem. The problem exist for those of us who have Serial ATA drives for our main drives and have the program installed on that drive. It does not happen with all Serial Controllers as I have another machine that is working fine, but has a different serial controller. The reseller took a copy home with him and installed in on his machine with a serial ata drive and had the exact same problem.

In case anyone out there is wondering what happened with the Key Gens from AGAiN, well I never used them and doesn't look like I will be needing them. Anyway, after reading about the safecast technology on the inet, if you use this, Autodesk will know when you try and get a new activation and your software license will be null and void if they so choice to do so. Anyway, this whole activation thing sucks, I I jumped on the Serial ATA when it first became available and have had nothing but trouble ever since, but now everyone getting the drivers corrected for it. Personally, I can't tell a difference between Serial and Parallel, but just taking their word it is better. HOWEVER, it is far better than those *$/@#* dongles.

Thanks for the replies.

2005-06-16, 09:28 AM
Hmm. I too have been having this problem on a number of licenses. Issue i have with this is that they are stand aloine licenses and not on serial drives either. So i think there may be a few more issues involved here. To date no one seems particularly concerned about this issue which is a bit worrying. I am running 24 licenses here and if Autodesk starts shutting me out of my contract for too many activations i will go beserk. Wonder how they would like it if they copped a class action for the revenue loss we get at our ends waiting for re-activation when we have deadlines due. Assuming they wouldn;t have a team of lawyers who would crush us with a big stick.
Anyway i do have to say i still haven't had an issue with Autodesks support yet, in fact i think its pretty good, but this is the one bug i find most irritating.

2005-06-21, 07:26 PM
Well, *$E%#!!! It looks like Autodesk isn't going to fix the problem anytime soon. Any of you with SATA, beware. I think it is the earlier SATA 1.0 spec motherboard/controllers in question, but ADSK does not have a fix and the rumor is it will be about 2 months minimum before the problem can be resolved. By then, I think we will have new computers by then, so why bother with the fix? This is shamefully, unexpected and disheartening to find such a large company can't move any faster. In case ADSK hasn't been told, the "safecast" technology you are using is considered "legacy" - in other words, please quit using and upgrage to our new technology please, products.


2005-06-28, 02:02 PM
I had the sme problem with MDT 2006, AutoDesk was very helpful and I got a fix for it that is working fine. It only pertains to SATA drives.

2005-06-29, 02:56 AM
I was told a fix for the SATA and Revit was at least 2 months out. So, I have already bought an IDE drive, spent three full days doing nothing but restoring the programs and backing everything up again. I will stick with IDE until I guess the rest of the world catches up to the new technologies that aren't really that new.

2005-07-14, 07:23 AM
Is this the fix you were wating for?

Activation error 0.1.0011 or 11.1.6011 on computers with Serial ATA hard disk controllers (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=5658721&linkID=3770375)

It looks like it was released on July 12th...



2005-07-14, 01:34 PM
Yes, but it is too late in getting here. Actually, I probably could have waited provided I they would have told me it would be here by now. I was told two months and that was two weeks ago. So, I have already spent the extra cash on an IDE and reloaded everything.
