View Full Version : Raising Eyebrows

2004-01-10, 01:17 AM
This is intended to be a classic eyebrow dormer. I have made a roof family with a blend. At the front wall-base sketch, I have created the curved sketch, and at the roof ridge, the top sketch is a rectangle profile of the roof.

I am getting this "twist in the fabric". Iam trying to use the vertext connection tools but have not a clue how to twist this shape. I see the twist buttons, and I can click open and closed the blue dots. This is done in 5.1.

I would welcome, like spring rain, a few clarifying words.

2004-01-10, 01:21 AM
It would be much easier to figure out if you could post the file here or to the customer gallery ng.

2004-01-10, 03:03 PM
I think I have a simple solution, because I did a similar shape when making a stage curtain.

Try breaking the rectangular top sketch into the same number of line segments as the curved eyebrow sketch.

Let me know if you need more clarification and I'll post a sample file.

2004-01-12, 05:16 AM
There is such joy in enlightenment. Archman, your procedure of spliting the top sketch cleared up much.

I projected ref planes from the arc tangents of the base sketch and split the top sketch, accordingly. That reduced much, but not all of the twist, and most of the inconsistent vertex lines. I verified symetrical arc lengths.

In the attached file, you can see several lines which I was not able to clear. I can find nothing in help doc, I just started blue dotting and un-blue dotting, with all the sophistication and focused industry of a chimpanze playing Bach (without sheet music). It is fortunate that there is no sound coming from my trial and error. I am unable to discern a method. Help.

How to direct the lines? How does twist left/right work? I see effects, but not control?

Although the elevation and plan views are almost there, a curious non-uniform thickness is apparent in the section parallel to the sketch plane. What is that?