View Full Version : Structural deck and invisible profiles

Wes Macaulay
2005-06-13, 04:52 PM
Another case of ignorance of someone who ought to be in the know :screwy:

In a few recent posts I've read that Revit 6.1 and up supports the use of profiles in creating structural floors. You create a profile, set its Family Category to Slab Deck and load into the project. Then you edit a floor assembly and change the use type of a core layer to Structural Deck. You'll see the ability to use this profile as part of your floor assembly.

This all works, but evidently you won't actually see anything that resembles the deck in section - the profile doesn't appear to do anything except set the depth of the layer.

Revit Structure, OTOH, *does* show the deck profile in section.

Are we missing something? Is there a way to make the deck show up in Revit 7 or RB8?


Wes Macaulay
2005-06-13, 07:36 PM
I realise that James V. posted elsewhere that these profiles do not seem to appear yet in Revit Building...