View Full Version : Edit Wall Joins Tool is TAUNTING me!

2005-06-13, 06:22 PM
Anyone have this happen?
I select the EWJ tool and hover over a wall join. The 'box' appears but, when I click to select the join, the box disappears then reappears taunting me to click again. I do, in the hopes that I have been hallucinating... Nope. Still happens, so I foolishly keep clicking hoping that Revit will come to the realization that I REALLY want to edit the wall join. No luck.
I copy the walls to another project and the wall join tool works fine. :screwy:

I have another question related to this... The Wall Join Display view property is greyed out sometimes. Is this when overrides have been used? If so, is there a way to reset all of the joins in a particular view? Joins are view specific, right?

J. Grouchy
2005-06-13, 07:01 PM
I've disliked the way this tool works as long as I've worked in Revit.


Wes Macaulay
2005-06-13, 07:34 PM
The EWJ 'box' may be bigger than you're seeing. Zoom out some and see if that works. Or it may be a case where you've got short walls near the intersection. Can you post a screenshot?

Wall joins settings can be view-specific (whether they clean-up automatically or not). The Don't Clean Join setting is the only one where I see any difference between 3D join cleanup and 2D plan appearance. But I never use the setting! So in general wall joins are 3D, so the changes affect all views.

2005-06-13, 08:17 PM
I'm with you, Grav8e!

I'm confused (again). Here's a couple of blurbs from the help file... Let me know your take on these statements.

Wall Join Display: Sets the default behavior for cleaning wall joins. If you set this property to Clean All Wall Joins then Revit Building automatically cleans all wall joins. If you set this property to Clean Same Type Wall Joins, Revit Building only cleans wall joins of the same wall type. If you join different wall types, Revit Building does not clean them. You can override this setting using the Edit Wall Joins command.

Cleaning up wall joins affects display in a plan view only. If you have multiple plan views open of the same join, the command only affects the plan view in which you issued the command......Use View Setting cleans wall joins depending on how the property Wall Join Display is set.

Wes Macaulay
2005-06-14, 06:22 AM
I see... well, I think what they're getting at here is that if clean joins are on, you'll only see a thin line between two joined walls of different types. If in View Props you've set the Wall Join Display prop to 'Clean same type wall joins' you get the heavy cut line between the walls even if they are joined.

You can use the wall join tool to override the view setting at any given join. I haven't seen the use for this, though: I just the clean all joins setting in all views.