View Full Version : Hatch alignment

2005-06-14, 01:39 AM
I've got a model hatch pattern (200x200mm) at the skinny end of a wall (nom. 100mm). I've tried to align it vertically so that there is no hatch line in the middle, but nothing happens... I think it is picking the centre of the wall instead. Has anyone else had this problem? The only workaround I can think of is creating a new hatch that consists of just horizontal lines... which is easy, but I'd like to know if there is a way of aligning it first.

2005-06-14, 01:45 AM
If its a model pattern you can TAB until you got one of the line selected nad then move or align that line.

2005-06-14, 01:55 AM
it is a model hatch pattern, but it won't do it. It works on the long side of the wall, but not the short end- when I tab and move the line, an error message comes up "Can't move element"

2005-06-14, 03:15 AM
As far as I know, this is an anomaly in Revit. ( sometimes also called a "bug" )

Revit allows you to place a material with a fill pattern on the end of a wall, but it does not recognize the wall end as a "face" and therefore locks the pattern to the wall centre.

The work-around is to place a small segment of wall perpendicular to the main wall and join it. The ( end ) face of this segment will accept a model hatch that can be aligned.

2005-06-14, 04:36 AM
thanks Beegee!

what a weird bug...

I added a little wall at the end of that one... what happened was that the other 2 elevations have sections at the end of the wall that don't hatch properly...

So- I now have a 2mm wall at the end of the original wall. I hope this bug gets fixed! It's only a little one, but a tad annoying...