View Full Version : Roofs, Made with Sweeps

2005-06-14, 01:55 AM
I have been experimenting with making roofs with sweeps to cover such uses as towers and cupolas and the unusual shapes we may encounter. Given that the wall structure on these is concentric. Either square or polygonal.

The dilema is the when I draw the profile for the sweep I cannot draw it to meet the center reference plane of the strucuture with out getting an error, warning that the sweep cannot be completed. If I remain a distance from the center ref plane I can complete the sweep. I cannot determine that distance except by trial and error. It does not seem to be a function of the roof's thickness.

This leaves a small hole at the center of the roof. Not much to deal with but I would like to know why. I have posted a picture and tried to post my rvt. file but got a "Too Large" message. How can I do this also.

2005-06-14, 02:45 AM
Firrstly, you may be better off using masses to create the shape then converting to a roof, ( possibly ? )

The error you experience with sweeps occurs when the sweep profile wraps over itself. You may be able to fix that by creating a series of sweeps or move the path but keep the profile.

Attcahment file size limit is 2 MB. Try purging and zipping and delete all other elements in a sample file to see if you can get the file size down.

>>The dilema is the when I draw the profile for the sweep I cannot draw it to meet the center reference plane of the strucuture with out getting an error, warning that the sweep cannot be completed. If I remain a distance from the center ref plane I can complete the sweep. I cannot determine that distance except by trial and error. It does not seem to be a function of the roof's thickness.

This leaves a small hole at the center of the roof. Not much to deal with but I would like to know why. I have posted a picture and tried to post my rvt. file but got a "Too Large" message. How can I do this also.

2005-06-14, 10:41 AM
Thanks Beegee,

I will try your methods when I have time today. In the meantime I've uploaded the purged file.