View Full Version : Cut Plane for Ramps

2005-06-14, 04:24 PM
I have a ramp that runs from level 1 to level 3. When in plan view on levels 1 and 2 I need the ramp to show a break line at 4' above the floor, showing the ramp beyond (above) as dashed...much like a stair does.

I can't seem to get the ramp to behave this way. Any suggestions?


2005-06-14, 04:49 PM
I asked this question a while ago and this is the response I got:
"That's what filled regions are for."

I agree though, that it would be very nice if ramps cut like stairs.

2005-06-14, 05:59 PM
Hmmmm. I guest the other way to do this for a straight run ramp is to use the "floor" tool with the "slope arrow". In the plan view it doesn't show the break line or dashed line of above, but it does cut the sloped floor (ramp) at the line of the view plane. To create the curbs on either side I used the "railing" tool. I created a new profile to represent the curb and set the sloping floor as the host. I then needed to use the linework tool and detail lines to get a proper break line and dashed lines to represent the ramp above the cut plan.

It seems that the ramp tool is similar to the stair tool already. It should then be allowed to behave like the stair graphically.

2005-06-14, 10:28 PM
Those are exactly the steps I took to create ramps as well. I find the sloped floor tool to be more helpful than ramps still (although they are improving) and then I used filled regions to create that cut-line. It works fine as long as what you're doing isn't too complicated.