View Full Version : modify a split face?

2004-01-11, 04:12 AM
I can't find a way to undo, or to modify a split face on a slab. I have some exterior slabs that have decorative stone/brick inlays. I plan to use split face for the rendering, but I would like to know I can undo/change split face regions if I need to.

2004-01-11, 04:25 AM
Hi Jon,

Highlight the split face region linework, (not the slab itself) and select " Edit Sketch" to move / adjust location of the split face. Or you can delete the split region entirely by picking the split line and deleting.

2010-05-17, 07:02 PM
I have the same issue but how do you highlight the split face region? It seems like I could only select it when I am in the Paint mode after splitting the floor, otherwise it highlights the whole floor.

2010-05-17, 07:14 PM
I have the same issue but how do you highlight the split face region? It seems like I could only select it when I am in the Paint mode after splitting the floor, otherwise it highlights the whole floor.
Try hovering over the slab, and using the tab key. I had the same issue trying to edit a hole in a roof. The tab key is the trick.

2010-05-17, 07:17 PM
The unwritten rule of Revit: TAB R UR FRIEND!!!!

2010-05-17, 10:30 PM
The unwritten rule of Revit: TAB R UR FRIEND!!!!
Yep, I tell all my new users "when all else fails, hit the TAB key" Although I wonder if it sticks since several times a week somebody comes over with a "big problem, everything is locked" and I walk over hit TAB a time or two, pick the elusive element, and ask them what is locked?:lol: