View Full Version : Earth hatch on elevations why?

2005-06-14, 09:21 PM
I have some elevations showing the earth hatch while others don't.
I quite not understand this behavior. Any suggestions?

Paul Monsef
2005-06-14, 09:26 PM
I have some elevations showing the earth hatch while others don't.
I quite not understand this behavior. Any suggestions?
Did you create some Topography?

2005-06-14, 09:36 PM
As Paul said, you must have created a toposurface.
Why it would show in some veiws and not others is probably either a visibility issue OR the elevation may located in such a way that it doesn't cut the toposurface.

2005-06-15, 04:17 AM
Yes, Unfortunately if you create (and have visible) a toposurface, it will show in a section view in your Elevations. You see the elevation view is just a section view where your viewing point is remote from the model. So you get a sectional view of the ground where your elevation viewpoint cuts it.
I was also perplexed by this when I first came across it and asked many people how they overcame this situation. The vast majority of people use the "filled region" command to create a "white-out" over the ground hatching. While you're creating this, you can specify what lines makeup the edge of this region. So you can have wide/thick lines to represent the elevation ground line and make the others invisible.
Let me know how you go.
John Mc

Mr Spot
2005-06-15, 08:25 AM
Or just turn off topography in elevations. Then as John suggested use filled regions to block out any below grade info.

2005-06-15, 12:26 PM
Thanks guys for your help. I perfectly understand your explanations but what bothers me is why some elevations shows the hatch and others don't? It looks some kind of bug or something that need to be address but the factory.

2005-06-15, 12:58 PM
have you split the topo into diff. materials? When you do this diff. materials don't have the earth hatch. Or the topo is off in those views, or you are cut through somewhere below the extents of the hatch pattern. If you look at the site settings you will see where you set how far down you want the hatch to go.

2005-06-15, 02:17 PM
Hey there,

It is also helpful to know exactly where the "section cut" for your elevation view occures. A lot of times, this shows why some views differ from others, including the far clip view depth. Your section/elevation cut line may be beyond your actual topo layout in some views. To locate the cut, right click on the elevation tag (the triangular section of the tag) and the blue cut line will appear, along with the view crop area controls, which include and far clip edge. (Just like a section view) You can move this cut and adjust as required to make all of your elevations look the same.

Good luck