View Full Version : surface's pattern override components??

2005-06-15, 09:10 AM
putting, in a plan view, 3d components, i.e. tube, shower base , sink, it happens that the floor surface pattern overrides the component profile: this fact doesn't happens with all the components; i got some ones from Kholer library and they override the pattern.
What difference there is between them?? Can i make overriding also a generic model needing specifics dimension for the component??

Thanks for helping me :-)

2005-06-15, 12:26 PM
putting, in a plan view, 3d components, i.e. tube, shower base , sink, it happens that the floor surface pattern overrides the component profile: this fact doesn't happens with all the components; i got some ones from Kholer library and they override the pattern.
What difference there is between them?? Can i make overriding also a generic model needing specifics dimension for the component??

Thanks for helping me :-)


The problem is caused by how each component was created. Within the component the 3d Solids can be invisible in plan, and that is what is happening. If you edit, each, of the components, select all the 3d Solids you would like to see, Go to the property of them, then go to the visibility setting, you will see that the Plan is unchecked. Just check it and save and reload and it will behave properly.

Saro' in Italia la fine di Giugno per 2 settimane. Vorrei comprare un libbro di architettura che ha il piu' possibile di termini architectonici. C'e' un libro come il "Graphic Standard" in Italia? Qua' in Polonia si use un libbro tedesco (tradotto in Polacco) di Neufert che e' simile al nostro "Graphic Standard". Me lo dai un consiglio a quale libbro posso comprare? Mia cugina e' sposata con uno che commercia la Mondadori a Palermo.
Grazie per l'aiuto, e spero che la mia soluzione in Inglese e' chiara.


2005-06-15, 03:31 PM
Thanks Luigi, you're very clear :-)

About the book you have to explane me what you want...
noi abbiamo una pubblicazione che si chiama Manuale dell'architetto che è una specie di manuale e perciò contiene tutti i termini architettonici possibili, esiste anche la versione in cd...fammi sapere se ti interessa una cosa del genere , oppure cosa ti può interessare e mi informerò meglio.
Ciao :-)

2005-06-17, 03:36 PM
only a thought,

what is the utility to make the 3D components not visibles in plan view??
It's a nonsense for me!! the plan view is the first right wiev you need,,,
Can anybody tell me the reason?? i can get it :-)

2005-06-17, 04:01 PM
only a thought,

what is the utility to make the 3D components not visibles in plan view??
It's a nonsense for me!! the plan view is the first right wiev you need,,,
Can anybody tell me the reason?? i can get it :-)
Paolo, you need to open the component file and modify how it behaves in the project.
When you edit the component, just click on the 3d object, go to visibility. The person that created that component, didn't want to see the real 3d view in plan. He/she wanted to see the 2d line representation of the 3d object, and they didn't use a filled region detail component to hide what's underneath the object! HOpe this helps...

Ti scrivo piu' in la sul libro!!!


2005-06-17, 04:13 PM
ok Luigi grazie, aspetto per il libro!!