View Full Version : Wall Schedule Example...

2005-06-15, 07:33 PM
As discussed @ adsk newsgroups for panalized construction.

2005-06-15, 07:48 PM
Interesting, anybody did a full project this way ?

2005-06-15, 07:54 PM
Thank you. Nice idea... but reporting the short points of a wall is not really an option. If I did that they'd (the plant workers) be at my desk asking for the long points everytime. Besides we don't build in that manner (post and panel). Could we? maybe but I'd think it would be at a sacrifice in efficiency. Looks like we can only create a schedule with wall type, tag, and will have to add a text field for manual typing of lengths.

Can a more/less complex wall be created that we could have a zero width wall stacked and set on the edge of the real walls so as to enable the reporting we desire?

2005-06-15, 08:03 PM
Same techniqe can be used for long edges of a wall.

2005-06-15, 08:27 PM
Oh wait.... I think I just had a Revit Revalation. I can see it now, but need a bit of time to play with it to see if I can get it to work and I'll try to remember to post a solution if I have one. Gotta get some work done for now.

Thank you much Aaron for steering me on the right path. What I took for granted should be the way things work, however they don't, and I think I see a workaround till Autodesk works a bit with the wood framing part of Revit.

Be back tomorrow hopefully with my anwer.

2005-06-17, 09:09 PM
Here it is. This is as close as I can get with my experiences thus far. The length is directly driven off the Revit wall. The Comment or as we call 'wall label' is driven off the comment field in the walls as well as the tag symbols. What's shown on the drawing is exactly what I'm after, but would like an faster way to do it.... Here's the process....

Draw the walls as normal, all joins are auto cleaned
select each wall one by one and stretch the ends back to the corners no longer join
select the wall join tool and select an end and then set to disallow join and do that for each end of wall (talk about tedious.)
Then stretch each wall back to it's respective corner as desired (done... but only for the 90 degree corners
Then for angle walls.... stretch them to their desired lengths (may require placing ref planes to get it right). then use the edit cut profile tool to trim the ends back to the desired angle.
Create schedule

Notice the sheathing breaks on the outside corners. I needed to do this for the length to be right. I don't care for it that way because it makes hitting the dimension of the actual corner more difficult, but I could live with it. Notice also the missing piece on the reverse corner. I was unable to figure out a way to add a piece to a wall without having a line show up between the two pieces. Join geometry did not work for me. A way to resolve this would be extending that wall to the long point of the cut an calling it out in the schedule notes field as "LP-LP same angle direction"... or something like that.

Bottom line is... Is there a better way to be doing this? as this seems way too time consuming to me.