View Full Version : Detail Component Bug and Wall Bug

2005-06-16, 09:47 AM
Okay have noticed a bit of a detail component bug. We used a number of 2d detail component families with parameters. We created a number of details and copy and pasted them into another project. Within these details were components that had instance parameters controlling their size. When copied they reverted to their default ( family) sizes even though they said they were the original size. For an example an RHS created with instance parameters of 35 x 35 when copied would revert back to the standard 100x100 as it was originally created in the family. ( even though in properties it said it was 35x35)

Also when you copy walls from one project to another and try to drop in an internal elevation Revit doesn;t automatically create the room boundaries once copied.

2005-06-16, 01:48 PM
Hmm personally I don't like to copy and paste across projects very much. To me it just seems like certain things are lost in the process, which seems to be the problem you're having.

For detail components, it would probably be better just to load the family into the other project, place and instance and set the instance parameters the way you want them, and then copy and paste that one within that project.