View Full Version : revit 5.1 title blocks

2004-01-12, 05:19 AM
I want to know proceadure for creating and saveing custom title blocks so they can be introduced and work the same way as the supplied templates do.I have made several title blocks but cannot bring them in even though they are saved as templates,do I need to save them in a particular family ? or am I just doing it wrong,any help will be appreciated Than You Phil Logan. :?:

2004-01-12, 05:32 AM
Title blocks are different from templates. Title blocks are actually families that you can create or modify to suit your standards. Templates are like autocad prototypes (if you go that far back), which basically store a lot of families and standards in one file.

To create a title block, your best bet is to use one of those that comes with Revit and modify it to suit you. then save as a new family. You will then be able to load that title block into you template and everytime you start a new project with that template, the title block is already there.

David Sammons
2004-01-12, 01:05 PM
You will find an article/tutorial by Lachmi Khemlani at the following site to be very helpful for creating custom title blocks using the family editor.


Dave S.

2004-01-15, 04:58 AM
Thank you guy's instant success !! (Though it did take some refining.)Thank You Phil Logan :lol: