View Full Version : Mixing Pull-Down Menus

2005-06-16, 01:51 PM
When Acad.cui file is loaded I have pull-down menus named :
[ File ][ Edit ][ View ][ Insert ][ Format ][ Tools ][ Draw ][ Dimension ][ Modify ][ Window ][ Help ]

I do also have partial loaded cui files with their own pull-down menus named :
[ Programs ][ Toolbars ][ Layers ][ And so on ]

I want to mix the pull-down menus together like :
[ Draw ][ Programs ][ Dimension ] but still have separate *.cui -files.

Is that possible ? and how do I do Then ?
( in 2002 it was simple using menuload and Menu Bar tab )

: ) Happy Computing !


2005-06-17, 10:13 PM
Check out the AutoCAD 2006 CUI forum for CUI related stuff.

This post (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=20567)deals with this exact issue.

2005-06-20, 11:12 PM
Thanks Steve, here is what I did before I read the tip.

I unloaded all cui files,
I created an very empty cui file that I loaded as main,
then I loaded the rest of the cui files,
In the "main" cui file I then manually changed the values to where I wanted the **POPs
then I reloaded the "main" cui, and now I am happy.

: ) Happy Computing !
