View Full Version : Instructors Wanted

2004-01-12, 07:39 PM
AUGI is looking for qualified instructors for their ATP (AUGI Training Program). If you feel that you have some knowledge to share, download the attachments and follow the instructions. This is a great opportunity to expand the Revit community and really get Revit rolling in mass. They are putting together the first months schedule right NOW and need submittals before Wednesday.

Please contact the ATP manager at mgr-atp@augi.com if you have any additional questions.

2004-01-12, 08:15 PM

What is NSF software?

2004-01-12, 08:26 PM
Should be NFR, not for resale.

Also, if you are looking to take classes, be sure and keep your eye on augi.com near the end of this month and every month for free Revit classes being offered online! :D

2004-01-15, 07:09 AM
Please send in your proposals soon as we are looking to fill slots for February.

I know there are many qualified instructors out there, so step up to the plate.

Thank you -

2004-02-04, 12:33 PM
hi all
been reviting for only 6 wks but hate going back to the dumb interface ive been working with for yrs already
love the forum..but what id like to know is how one becomes an instructor...im currently taking two colleauges thru the intro process, running a Revit implementation program thats taken off...it certainly creates a buzz round the office when i do a quick demo
any advice?


2004-02-04, 10:31 PM
Download the above files and read though them. Then submit a proposal for a class.

There really is no formal certification to becoming an instructor, but your proposal will be scrutinized prior to posting to AUGI as a class.