View Full Version : Recommended procedure for site plan/project setup in Revit

2005-06-19, 02:31 AM
I have read the threads regarding site orientation vs project orientation and I am still a little confused. it seems that when one selects "by date, time" for sun & shaddow settings that as far as the sun is concerned north is always toward the top of the screen & shadows are cast by position of the sun. therefore it would seem that for shadows to cast correctly on the site, the site north must be oriented to up to match the north used by the date time calculator. It seems that if you rotate the project so it is not paralel to the screen, the shadows are not correctly cast. and in some cases one might want to do this to get it to fit on a sheet for example. Ive tried setting an angle from project to true north but the shadows dont appear to be casting correctly. this whole concept is confusing. would someone care to venture a step by step method for getting a nproject orientation set up correctly, ie 1) import your survey etc etc. im struggling with this one and the documentation is lacking

2005-06-19, 04:59 AM
Within the rendering settings you can correct for true north for the rendering purpose. The basic rule stands, orient your building as you want it on your sheet, then rotate the site to match that, record that angle, then change view to true north and rotate back.

2005-06-19, 11:35 PM
so it would appear that no matter how you rotate the project, true north as far as the sun is concerned is to the top of the screen, is this correct? or can true north be rotated relative to the project? the shadow angle doesnt seem to change no matter what i do

2005-06-20, 01:28 AM
No, shadows are cast relative to True North, not Project North. The shadow angle remains constant relative to True North - refer attached image.

so it would appear that no matter how you rotate the project, true north as far as the sun is concerned is to the top of the screen, is this correct? or can true north be rotated relative to the project? the shadow angle doesnt seem to change no matter what i do

2005-06-20, 02:29 AM
did you use "rotate this project/true north" to rotate this? when I do that it seems that the sun angle remains the same, this whole concept is making me crazy