View Full Version : Wing Roof

2005-06-19, 03:51 AM
Hello smart people,
S.O.S. how could we make a wing type shape roof .[a plane with four different elevation]
do not tel me make it with extrusion or mass element..................I am just wondering if Revit has a feature for this type of the work
Extruding and mass are not complete because they can not be modified.............or classified.........
many tanks for any response.

2005-06-19, 04:02 AM
...how could we make a wing type shape roof...a plane with four different elevation...How about a sketch or image of what you want to do? It is really too vague a question.

...do not tel me make it with extrusion or mass element...Do you want to be able to do it or not? If yes then you'll need to consider them.

...Exruding and mass are not complete because they can not be modified.............or classified...Wrong on both counts, they can be both modified and classified as a roof.

Attached is a simple roof that has each corner at different elevations. A mass created the shape and roof by face created the roof. The walls are attached to the roof like any other. Any change to the mass can update the roof. Uh oh..design changed...changed it a third time...

2005-06-19, 06:35 AM
The mass tools are definitely what you need. Very powerful and fast to create and experiment with forms.

This "wing roof" was made with a blend ( if you don't like extrusions as such ). Took less than a minute, including attaching walls.

2005-06-19, 02:25 PM
here we go this the project that I did with Revit.[transfer 2d from Architectural Desk Top] and rebuilt in Revit........

2005-06-19, 02:27 PM
and this is another view

2005-06-19, 02:31 PM
By the way,would you please let me know how could we cut or trim mass with Lines or other Mass....say like Union or Subtract.....................thanks again

2005-06-19, 04:02 PM
By the way,would you please let me know how could we cut or trim mass with Lines or other Mass....say like Union or Subtract.....................thanks again
Edit the mass and creat a 'Void' mass where you want the cut out or subtracted bit. The Void Mass remains editable also so you can later adjust how it cuts the solid mass.

2005-06-19, 04:44 PM
you left out the good part how having these solids and voids does not shoot you file size through the roof (bad pun) like the same operations in viz/max do resulting in the need to collapse your stack modifier, loosing the options to re-edit it later. (although there are a lot of other shape editing options that more than make up for this, but that's not important right now)
I think this is why some viz/max converts are a little hesitant to use Boolean operations in Revit.

Edit the mass and creat a 'Void' mass where you want the cut out or subtracted bit. The Void Mass remains editable also so you can later adjust how it cuts the solid mass.

2005-06-19, 04:47 PM

The key to creating "voids" is to add them within the mass...like Elrond notes, edit the mass. I made the mistake the first time attempting this of making them two separate masses and couldn't figure out how to get them to work....

Just trying to help you avoid the same mistake... and frustration...

2005-06-19, 05:39 PM
You know, I agree with this and my question was exactly about this type of work..............with all respect ...I do not wanna scrambled procedure..............create a clean cut "Wing" enabling to do modification at the rotation reference Axes changing the plumb cut line something architecturally correct..................I tied this voider and solid cuts........... but I am looking for something as say" A System"

thanks everyone

2005-06-19, 06:32 PM
Easy to do.
Create yourself a handy dandy massing family with all these parameters built in. It all can be done. you have a master family for this basic shape, you put in all sorts of parameters, height length width depths, rotation, angels, anything you want. it stands as a *.rfa, you fo all this work once and there you have it forever, and it can be loaded into any project down the line and all these paramteres can be adjusted AD HOC on the fly. Look at the tutortials for family creation and go through them one by one and it will become very clear how to accomplish this.

You know, I agree with this and my question was exactly about this type of work..............with all respect ...I do not wanna scrambled procedure..............create a clean cut "Wing" enabling to do modification at the rotation reference Axes changing the plumb cut line something architecturally correct..................I tied this voider and solid cuts........... but I am looking for something as say" A System"

thanks everyone

2005-06-19, 07:55 PM
thanks.I take back my comments about the pour Help in Revit.........I found every thing is listed and explained in tutorial instead of Help........sorry