View Full Version : File Revision Naming

Roger Evans
2005-06-19, 11:18 AM
I create a new updated revit file of a project & give the Project Number a ref Letter A B C etc ~ This is a project number update not a simple revision letter update
Eg 2005 510 D ~ I then add that letter into the Project No on drawing sheets manually if I forget to do so then drawings / exported sheet images can get confusing

Is there anyway I can get this revision letter to update in the Project Drawing Sheets automatically ~ without having to enter manually?

2005-06-19, 09:59 PM
I take it you're " saving as...( new file name ) " and adding the project number , with the new reference letter to the Settings, Project Information - Project Number field so that it is automatically placed on each drawing sheet.

I assume you then wish to change each drawing sheet number to say, 2005 510 D- A100 , 2005 510 D- A101 etc. You could do this by adding a second "project number" field in your title block, in front of and next to the sheet number.

Am I comprehending your question ?

Roger Evans
2005-06-20, 09:46 AM
Yes I Think that's it & I'll give it a try
thanks BG