View Full Version : Showing Bsmt walls below grade in Elevation

Henry D
2003-05-16, 03:44 PM
This has probably been answered many times, but I can't find it.

In elevation view, I'd like my footings and walls below grade to be shown with hidden lines and everything above grade to be shown with continuous lines. Is there a way to show the portion of the basement walls that are below grade with hidden lines?

Thanks a lot

2003-05-16, 03:59 PM
Sure, use the linework tool. Click on the edge you want hidden, then drag the blue dot to the edge of the grade. :)

2003-05-16, 04:22 PM
Keep in mind, depending on how "far out" your far cut plane is, you may actually "see" more than one foundation line in elevation. One on top of another. So one pick with the linework may change a foreground footing but there are still "others" in the background over powering your foreground.

I usually use the invisible line to get rid of them "all" and then use hidden or similar to restore one set of footing lines. Also the long wall parallel to your view will have "companion" lines for any "perpendicular to view" footings. So to get a complete dashed line you may end up changing some shorty's and some long's.


Henry D
2003-05-16, 04:23 PM
That is sooo cool!! Another great Revit feature which was a real hassle in ADT.

Thanks Mr. Zman

Henry D
2003-05-16, 04:28 PM
Thanks for the great tips Steve. I was just getting into that scenario you described.