View Full Version : Very wierd copy/mirror behavior

2005-06-20, 05:40 PM
On this building which I'm currently modelling the exterior, every time I try to copy or mirror a wall-hosted insert like a window or door, I get some random message about "can't keep wall and target joined" and it can't show me which elements they are. If I expand the error message, it lists 2 items, both of which say "deleted elements".

It doesn't matter which window, or which wall I try it on. If I try to copy any window I will get that message.

*edit* if I go ahead and hit the Unjoin Elements button, the copy of the window that I just made disappears, and I get another message saying "failed to fix the problem, action has to be cancelled".

So as it is now, it's impossible for me to copy any windows or doors on this project. I have to just insert the number of windows I need and get them all lined up and spaced out manually.


2005-06-20, 05:55 PM
I really can't understand why it does this, because after I try to copy a window, while the error dialog box is on the screen, the window appears to have copied as it should have. But then when I hit the Unjoin Elements button, the window disappears. :(

Paul P.
2005-06-20, 07:44 PM
I've also been having the problems when trying to copy objects by mirroring.


2005-06-20, 09:35 PM
It's not just mirroring, it's any copy operation of an element that's inserted into and cuts a wall (i.e. windows or doors).

Max Lloyd
2005-06-20, 10:09 PM
me too. I'm afraid I have no answer either though. I did manage to find what seemed to be the offending walls (even though they were not attached to the wall I was trying to mirror or copy onto) and then if I recall correctly it worked fine. Very frustrating though (especially as Revit shows you the option you want, then says 'NO!!!' I can show you what you want, but I'm damned if I'm going to let you have it.) Tease!

2005-06-21, 07:36 PM
patricks - if you'll post your file here or send it in to support we will take a look and try to explain what's going on. Thanks.

2005-06-22, 12:01 AM
well the file is about 12MB, and I don't think I can really get rid of much of anything (besides un-used elements) because that would probably get rid of the problem.

In the same file as this one, a little ways over from the main building, I drew up another smaller building, and windows in that one would copy just fine. :confused:

2006-05-12, 12:03 AM
Has anyone figured this out yet its happening to me in 8.1.
Windows are mirrored then I get the error.

2006-05-12, 02:25 AM
wow that was old

and I just experienced it again on my current project... but we're too close to the end now to try to fix it in this file. I'm still on 8.1 also.

2006-05-12, 07:44 AM
Is it because you are copying or mirroring a window from one wall to another wall? Or are you copying / mirroring within the same wall? I seem to remember having some similar things going on and assumed it was because the window was wall hosted and by copying it I was moving it to another wall / host...

2006-05-12, 12:30 PM
copying within the same wall, just copying a window down a few feet, won't do it.