View Full Version : interior elevations

2005-06-21, 04:27 PM
i saw some previous threads on this, but has there been a fix to the interior elevation crop window handles not snapping to floor or ceiling elements?

In the same view i can typically get the walls to snap correctly but the floor is never snapped to by the crop window.

Scott Hopkins
2005-06-21, 05:18 PM
Yes it is a problem. What I detest is that when snapping to a wall, the line thickness of the wall gets hidden by the crop boundary. Typical architectural convention shows room bounding lines of interior elevations as heavy lines. Revit makes it impossible to do this without a lengthy work-around using filled regions. Vote here to fix this problem.


2005-06-21, 05:25 PM
Thanks scott, VOTED.

2005-06-21, 05:45 PM
In my interior elevations, I always just use linework and change the floor, wall, and ceiling lines to something like a 6 or 8 lineweight. If the elevation doesn't extend wall-to-wall, then I'll just have a line on one side, wherever a wall is, and it will be open on the other side.