View Full Version : Dynamic Block Implementation: Good Or Bad? The Poll.

Steve Johnson
2005-06-22, 01:50 AM
How well do you think Autodesk has implemented the new dynamic blocks? Are you happy with the system design, the user interface, the API, the user documentation, the developer documentation, the file format documentation, the samples and guidance from Autodesk about how to use it, the stability, the lack of bugs, the performance, etc.? Rate it according to what's important to you.

2005-06-22, 04:38 AM
As far as the Dynamic Blocks interface for the block editor. I'm really happy that its in its own environment. I wish some other tasks would be the same. When toolbars and pallets appear in the block editor you get a good feel for what tools you have. I do wish that the API for accessing Dynamic block information from an Insert or standard block manipulation was a little easier. The code is long and way too advanced for new users to implement. I feel the documentation from the AutoCAD New Features Workshop is not really a learning tool. But more of a quick "HEY HERES WHATS NEW" And start hunting for more detailed information on your own. The bugs with Dynamic blocks I've usually found a way around. So no real major ones that affect my production drawings once implementing the Dynamic Blocks.

As far as important to me, I feel that explanation of what does what. And real world examples ranging from basic to complex are whats really lacking. As most have seen I've created a BLOG where I try to post as much information I've learned, that might help others as they start getting into Dynamic blocks. All around I vote an excellent but still has much more potential for future releases.

2005-06-22, 12:39 PM
Dynamic blocks seem to be useful. However, they are not real self explanatory. I have mastered the basic parameters and have noticed there is an entire tab of parameter sets..........what are they for????? Autodesk should have included sample blocks and inside those blocks, a brief description of the parameters used. Before I know if they will help my daily tasks, I need to know the ins and outs.

2005-06-22, 09:09 PM
As poorly as they did the CUI, they did an excellent job with Dynamic Blocks, they also did a decent job at documentation on them.

Autodesk should have included sample blocks and inside those blocks, a brief description of the parameters used. Before I know if they will help my daily tasks, I need to know the ins and outs.

They did include several sample block, they are on the tool pallette, right click one and select block editor, then you can play around with how it works.

2005-06-23, 01:28 PM
After attending the Realize Your Ideas Tour in here in Chicago, I was drooling at the potential of this new feature. The more and more that I try to implement them here at work, the more I find myself searching the web for "How To's". Case and point, I stumbled across this poll while in search of directions for an alignment parameter. So I guess that the learning curve, to me, is on the side of moderately challenging.

IMO, with AUGI and many of the great moderators here, information is never very far away. That is reassuring.

2005-06-29, 05:15 PM
Dynamic Blocks are pretty good, and I've learned to create several. The documentation is scant however, and I've never been able to figure out how to do some of the things I'd like. The most frustrating thing is the error message dealing with "irresolvable cycle within the block reference." It would be helpful if it could be determined, other than by trial and error, which of the several actions in the action set were causing the problem.

Other than that, I like 'em, and I use 'em a lot.

2005-07-29, 05:06 AM
It's a feature I think will make a lot of people say "I can't go back to a pre-2006 release." People can now "code" their own smart objects to fit their own needs. If the future of dynamic blocks will include 3D support, then I would hope that they also address the aged 3D functionality mostly untouched for a decade of releases (at least in vanilla CAD).

2005-07-29, 07:49 AM
Its the same with everything new, whether it's a new stereo system, a new tv, a new car or a new computer program. The secret is don't touch the documentation, at least not for a while. Play, play, play.

I've downloaded the white papers and the ATP course on Dynamic Blocks, but I am not yet ready to delve into them in depth. They are a reference at present for whenever I get stuck.

I like dissecting the sample dynamic blocks that came with AutoCAD and finding out why certain things have been done the way they have, then I try and apply the principles to my own blocks that are relevant to what I do, and learning by my numerous mistakes.

Once I am comfortable with dynamic blocks, then I start the book-learning as I am now at a level where I can read through the text and it is not all alien to me.

2005-10-27, 09:46 PM
I think that, although they dropped the ball with CUI (which in my opinion is more important than blocks as it deals with overall customization of CAD), they did very well with Dynamic Blocks. There was enough documentation available that I was able to create Dynamic Blocks within a small period of time. I have been customizing blocks for about 1 1/2 months now and I'm enjoying discovering the nuances more and more.

That being said, I think that while they did a great job of INTRODUCING Dynamic Blocks to the masses, I think that a bit more documentation on a few areas would have gone a long way towards appeasing everyone as there was often not ENOUGH info for those users (like myself) who tend to devour information like it's Cheerios.

In my opinion, more info on the Lookup command and more info on advanced dynamic block features and possibilities would have been welcome. A couple of the blocks I have now I was able to figure out ONLY by dissecting existing sample blocks from AutoDesk. Sometimes the information available was so confusing that it initially made no sense, so maybe dumbing the terminology down for those users who are a bit hard headed would have been good too. I, personally, was able to figure out most of the information if I just kind of sat down (or stayed seated) and simply thought the concepts through. But I have co-workers who think of Dynamic Blocks as devil tools created purely for the purpose of a money grab. Although this could not be further from the truth, it just goes to show you how poor of a reception a program or feature can receive if not accompanied by enough documentation.

Overall it was good, though. I hope they don't just give up on Dynamic Blocks because the possibilities are endless with this powerful little tool.

2005-11-03, 07:30 PM
Wow, DB's have been THEE feature of the latest cad library updates I have done for my company since I started here 6 years ago. While I have to agree that documentation (in general?) with 2006 features wasn't really a help, mostly "look what I can do now!!", my being able to "play till it is figured out" was a good experience. That, and I like being a guinea pig for the new releases.....