View Full Version : Elevation Cut Plane Issue

Exar Kun
2005-06-23, 12:14 AM
I'm trying to draw some internal elevations but what I see on the elevations is not consistent with what the plan shows me I should be seeing. Normally I can get around it but in smaller rooms such as this I cannot. Any ideas?

The file is a 6.1 upgraded to 8, btw.

2005-06-23, 12:56 AM
Looks like the file may have corrupted when upgraded.

Can you post it or that portion of it ?

Exar Kun
2005-06-23, 02:09 AM
Here it is. I've stripped as much as I could out of the file but the families in the bathroom still make it over 1.5meg.

Anyhoo, check the upstairs bathroom and its associated elevations.


2005-06-23, 02:40 AM
The problem was the toilet family.

I shortened the centre reference plane and moved the flip control back, so that neither was intersected by the elevation cut plane and now it works. I'm not sure which of those two issues was the culprit.

Exar Kun
2005-06-23, 03:24 AM
Excellent - thanks mate! I wouldn't have even thought to look there. It was a recently downloaded family so this would be why I've never seen this problem before too.

Thanks again.