View Full Version : Very annoying graphics in wall sections

2005-06-23, 01:54 AM
On all of my wall sections, I have several breaks in the view so that they will fit on the sheets. Now I think this problem has been going on even on projects back in 6.1 and on since then, even now in RB8 (in all projects, no matter which one), but whenever I am in one of these views (where the crop region is broken into pieces), I always have problems with random bits of the view popping up elsewhere.

Like I'll be working on something at the top of a parapet wall, moving around, zooming, moving and placing objects, etc, and when I do something, I'll suddenly see some part of the wall section from way down below. If I hit F5 it will go away, or if I do some other operation it might go away, but it gets very frustrating to have to keep hitting F5 eleventy billion times while drawing the section... espcially when I'm zoomed in close, trying to place something very accureately and snap to a point, and all of a sudden not be able to see what I'm snapping to. Is this a Revit problem, or a graphics problem or what? It only happens in views where the crop region is broken into separate pieces.

*edit* it seems to happen really bad when placing text notes.

2005-06-23, 02:17 AM
I've seen it happen. although not as often as you're getting. I always assumed it was a graphics card issue.

You do have Open GL Harware Acceleration turned off ?

2005-06-23, 05:47 AM
yes it is turned off.

If it was a graphics card thing, I don't see why it would only happen in Revit views that are broken into separate parts. :confused:

2005-06-23, 05:58 AM
Try this, use show camera, then in the plan view, reposition the camera. Go to your 3D view. Is it "broken" - F5 is required. Graphics card ?

2005-06-23, 08:03 AM
I got that in split sections too. I stopped using them. Very annoying.

2005-06-23, 01:30 PM
Same screen garbage here too. Way too much zooming to have the screen redraw properly. ATI Fire GL on a Dell. Not using Open GL.

2005-06-23, 01:38 PM
Just finished a big project so now I have a bit of time to track down all those anoying problems. I set my graphic hardware acceleration down one notch and it seems to have helpd the section problem.

2005-06-23, 01:39 PM
Same Here - ATI Fire GLx2256T, Dual Athalon.