View Full Version : File sizes - just curious

2005-06-23, 02:17 PM
Has anyone actually researched if they are saving file space by creating really complicated Dynamic Block files versus having multiple generic blocks?

For example, AutoCAD provides some sample dynamic blocks on the stock tool palette...and I was looking specifically at the weld symbol block. If you open that block in the block editor, you will realize that all of those weld symbols are just drawn on top of each other and they are controlled with a Visibility parameter. I had to wonder then if it really made sense to go through the trouble of creating that block and it's parameters, or if it would just be easier to stick with a weld palette that contains each symbol individually. Furthermore, and more to the point, does a more complicated dynamic block bulk up the file size versus 10 simple blocks on a palette?

What do you all think?

2005-06-23, 03:02 PM
I was wondering much the same thing.
I have loads of steel sections - all the usuals - angles, joists, beams, etc..
Is there going to be any sense in putting them all together? Or all of one type together? I doubt that there is really going to be any advantage.

2005-06-24, 04:26 AM
I've tried this before with a couple blocks for kicks and can tell you its not worth it.

First off the blocks are very slow. So much information in the blocks its just not worth it.

Second, the lookup table OR visibility state list is SOOO long that it takes for ever to find what you need.

Third, file size does seem to increase as more blocks get into it.

My opinion is break them up into say one for W Shapes, one for L Shapes and so on. Or you can break that up into say W12 Dynamic block, W14, W16 and so on. This I've noticed to be the fastest in reaction time and file size.

Hope it helps. but give it a try for you're self might be different with your blocks.

2005-06-28, 02:38 PM
I think it requires an evaluation of your blocks to determine whether or not it's worth the effort. In my case it has definitely been worth the effort. For example I have 15 blocks relatively the same with the exception of some text. The total file size of the 15 blocks is 386 KB. I combined those 15 blocks into 1 dynamic block that totaled 31 KB.

This is only one example and it happens to work for my specific application, however I think before you can rule out dynamic blocks that you just need to dig in and give it a shot.