View Full Version : speed increase?

Les Therrien
2004-01-14, 06:46 PM
Hey all.

I'm not sure if this is specific enough for the "Hardware Section" or not.
I have a few project that I must finish in 5.1 and I'm spending a lot of time waiting for Revit to process and save. I am aware that 6.0 is approx. 30% faster, however I tried to bring the 5.1 file into 6.0 and it wouldn't update.....

Anyhow, I have a P4 2.0 GHz system with 1Gig of RAM. I've just recently updated my 3 year old hard drive from 40Gig to 80Gig with much faster rpm's and larger cache.

What else could I do to speed things along?



2004-01-14, 07:24 PM
Send the file to revit support...or upload to the buzzsaw server if you have a password. I just posted 2 of my own projects that were both giving me problems...circular chain of refernce errors to be exact.

Les Therrien
2004-01-14, 08:15 PM
That's the same error I was getting!

I've had that before on another project relating to my massings.

So aside from that, any ideas from the hardware end of things to increase speed?

2004-01-14, 10:47 PM
Some files just get bogged down with unfixable errors. I've had revit tell me on a 10,000sf job that there was nothing to do until 6.0 came out. If its cerain views you can check visibility settings, ie ext. elevations, turn off anything inside and adjust the far clip to only as far as you need to see in the elevation. If you have a lot of locked dimensions or walls locked to grids or objects locked unlock them. Locks are a big "thinker" and therefor take time. So the worst is to have an item locked to a wall on the first floor, that wall, locked to a wall on the second floor and an object locked to that, revit has to think about all those conditions just to move any one of those objects. Another big thing was wall sweeps and integral wall sweeps, they had a huge performance problem in 5.1, I'm not sure how it is in 6.0 yet.