View Full Version : No ODBC Export of Topo regions?

2005-06-24, 02:48 AM
We are in the throws of actually using as much data as possible from our Revit models for SD estimates. We have come a long way in getting the data out of the model
(had to hire a MS Access programmer to do it) but many stumbling blocks remain.

You really start to appreciate how many things you currently "fake" even in Revit. For instance trying to get the data into the appropriate CSI categories is a real challenge.
When drawing walls and creating new ones on the fly, you want to use the data of the wall types, you realize that there are many combinations of materials and that they have to be filtered some how into the right Divisions. Same with floors, ceilings and roofs....

That being said, unless we are missing something here, we noticed that the topo info does not export, topo regions especially. We have created driveways and walkways, and some grassed regions. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the site data to export properly?

Many thanks.

2005-06-24, 03:33 AM
subregions and graded regions work for me.

If you've got a professional programmer why not use the API? A better interface than ODBC.


Steve Jager
2005-06-24, 05:08 PM
We were able to get the topo to show, it helps if you expand the menu, however, we extract data by "types" and there is no equivalent with topo info.
We may have to go back and change everything by "id".