View Full Version : Pinned Columns moving

2005-06-24, 04:04 PM
Does anyone know why pinned columns move when you move a wall that was near it. I set up a column grid and attached the columns to the grid. (after creation I pinned all of that so they would not be accidently moved) then the walls were created around them. now I noticed that if you move a wall say 2 inches to the LEFT the column that is near it moves with it, but the column bubble stays where it it. now for the fun part. I then move the column bubble to the RIGHT 5 inches and bam the column goes back to it (This also works with the lower wall also. I have been scratching my head on this for days. is this a bug in Revit

Steve Jager
2005-06-24, 05:11 PM
I get the same result. This is totally unexpected in my view. They were hopping around when I was moving walls too. Seems like a bug to me.

2005-06-24, 05:13 PM
I have also experienced problems with jumpy columns. Sometimes I will need to move a column, so I snap to the centerpoint of the column, then move over and snap to the point I want to place it, but when I click the button to place it, the column suddenly shifts over in one direction by some random amount! So then I have to select the column a second time and move it to the actual place where I want it. So annoying!

2005-06-24, 07:07 PM
I wonder how it works in revit structures????

2005-06-24, 07:22 PM
Does anyone know why pinned columns move when you move a wall that was near it.What build are you fellers using? I just downloaded your file, moved the walls all over and nothing changed. Am I missing something? (I'm using 20050620_2300)

2005-06-24, 07:24 PM
Autodesk Revit Building 8 - 20050412_2300

2005-06-24, 07:28 PM
Autodesk Revit Building 8 - 20050412_2300hmm...that's what? 3-4 builds ago? Might be worth checking out the newer build then? It definitely didn't do in the file you posted and I couldn't duplicate it here in a fresh file.

2005-06-24, 07:50 PM
Wow thanks I had no idea about the new builds. I wish that there was a notification process from revit when there is a new build. And a description of what was updated. It seems to me that Autodesk is taking a if you dont know there is a problem then you dont need the new build attitude. All I saw was a security update in the updates and downloads section.

Sorry to vent Steve. Thanks for the help and info.

P.S. what build do you have and I wonder what it does in other builds

2005-06-24, 09:07 PM
...Sorry to vent Steve. Thanks for the help and info...

P.S. what build do you have and I wonder what it does in other builds
No worries! I edited my post earlier with the build info but after you replied (20050620_2300). We try very hard to alert our members when a new build is posted. Often within minutes of it happening. Seems we as a group are pinging the Autodesk site alot? :wink:

The factory has always been fairly mum about what is fixed or changes in builds. In this most recent case a save to central issue was mentioned as a leading cause. I don't think anyone here would object to getting more detail.

2005-06-24, 11:32 PM
Are you guys also aware of this ?

There is a bug in 8.0 that the "Moves with Grids" parameter will latch on to too much. For example if you draw a column (that has moved with grids checked) by a wall and you move that wall, the column will move. Columns that have "Moves with Grids" checked and are locked to grids will give a constraint error when you try to move the grid if they are also attached to a wall. To help this problem, I would recommend turning off "Moves with Grids" for all your structural columns in 8.0. Then you can manually constrain them to grid lines if desired. We will definitely work on fixing this behavior.

On further analysis, we have also found a problem with the “Moves with Grids” parameter in Revit 7.0. In 7.0 this parameter can cause the column’s internal understanding of where it is to get corrupted. The parameter can create a constraint with near by walls and moving them can cause the column to move internally. When regenerated, columns will jump back to their “other” location. Columns that were created in 7.0 may still exhibit this behavior after upgrade. Therefore, for the time being, I would suggest turning off “Moves with Grids” for all structural columns. If you want columns to move with grids, you can then constrain them manually to grid lines. We are working to fix this problem.

2005-06-25, 02:03 PM
Hey there,
Thanks Beegee, I thought I was going crazy here.

2005-06-25, 11:25 PM
No problem.

I had also posted this issue in the Known Issues and Workarounds Forum. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=20391)

2005-06-27, 12:22 PM
thanks beegee At least I know what is happening. It was frustrating me so much