View Full Version : Ceiling Plan visibility settings

2005-06-25, 05:52 PM
My ceiling plan is looking up and seeing the overhanging parapet cap. So, I have an extra line outside of the face of the wall.

I tried going into the view visibility settings and turning off wall sweeps, but it still shows.

Is this a bug in Revit 8?


2005-06-25, 11:21 PM
You need to adjust the view range settings to exclude that element, or use an invisible line from the linework tool.

If you run into any difficulties, purge the file and post it here, or post just those element copied into a new file.

2005-06-26, 12:32 AM
If you are using plan regions in an RCP there is a bug asociated I have a support request addressing and a fix is planned I am told anyways. Changes to Veiw depths in plan regions in RCP result to a change to the view as a whole. If you have plan regions in your RCP that will be overriding your view depth settings in your RCPs. PLan regions do work in RCP's as log as you don't adjust your view depth. I was promised a fix but have yet to see it.

You need to adjust the view range settings to exclude that element, or use an invisible line from the linework tool.

If you run into any difficulties, purge the file and post it here, or post just those element copied into a new file.

Thomas Maleski
2010-01-29, 09:26 PM
still waiting for Autodesk to fix this issue.......

2010-02-01, 03:36 PM
Wow... never encountered this myself, but I just verified that it is still a problem. Plan region view depth settings in an RCP do affect the whole drawing.

Can't believe this was brought up in 2005 and hasn't been addressed yet. :?