View Full Version : View Properties Showing 1st Floor Thru 2nd

2005-06-26, 05:08 AM
I can't seem to find why the lines and walls of my main (1st) floor are showing through to my 2nd floor plan (see attached).

At first, I found (for some strange reason) that my 2nd floor material got changed to glass. I changed it back to concrete and it is still showing through to the 1st floor level.

My view range is set to the 2nd floor and my view depth is the 2nd floor....?

Any suggestions?

2005-06-26, 05:42 AM
Try turning off "underlay".

2005-06-26, 12:20 PM
Underlay. I searched high and low inside Revit for this option and cannot seem to find anywhere to change this setting....

It only comes up in the HELP files for underlaying an imported drawing...

Where do I find it?

2005-06-26, 12:29 PM
Never mind, I did find it after all.... it's in the "view properties" for the selected view.... (obviously).

I actually like this feature, now that I know about it - it can come in handy.

Thanks for the assistance, once again.