View Full Version : Siding Material and Texture

2004-01-15, 04:44 PM
Happy New Year to all. Been lurking in the shadows enjoying v6. I was wondering if anyone knows a location to find a board and batten siding material or texture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2004-01-15, 05:13 PM
Grover, are you looking for a surface pattern you could use for a Revit material, or something for rendering? If it's the second, there are some siding materials that come with Revit; you might be able to rotate one and have it get the look you want. Another good place to look would be www.accustudio.com. However, with surfaces that are so varied as to cast a lot of shadow (like b&b siding) I'll tend to model it out so that it looks more convincing. A surface material can only go so far for rendering...

2004-01-15, 05:26 PM

I intend to use a modified board and pattern for siding on a project, actually random pattern of 3 sizes with batterns over, and wondered if you had any techniques.

My approach is to create 4 board families ie, 1x2, 1x4, 1x6, and 1x8
wall based with beginning and end points.

Have you a better approach?

2004-01-15, 05:56 PM

I'm mostly looking for the rendering aspect. I like your idea of modeling it out. Would you do this with extrusions of different depths and the array or copy them around the building? Of course a surface pattern would look nice also on the elevations, but I think I could draft a few lines on the elevations and get the same effect.


2004-01-15, 07:46 PM
If it was a repeating panel, like standard board & batten, were you've got a wide one and a short one, I think I would make one unit of it, i.e. a narrow one and a wide one, and make that a parametric family so that I could define different types (it's overall height & the width of it's bits) and then copy them around the outside of the building. If you made them wall-based generic fams, then they would even move around with the walls and stuff, and act just like siding. Then as long as you've got your end bits as well, and possible a 'last panel' that isn't a combo of the narrow & wide but just a wide, then you'd be set. But cutting holes out of it for windows/doors would be an issue, you've have to do a little extra work there.

Or, if you wanted to be super-fancy, you could make a parametric array using nested fams that would layout the siding for you; just define the length and stick it on the wall! :)

Another way to approach this would be to make it a curtain wall. The narrow bits are the battens, and the wide bits the panel. With R6, you could even array that. But I just thought of this, and haven't tried it. you'd also run into issues with the doors & windows, so maybe the above would work better. So maybe forget this idea. ;)

Best of luck!

2004-01-15, 08:16 PM
Thanks Jeffrey...I'll give it a try. Not the best or shall I say as comfortable with families but I guess I got to get the hands dirty sooner or later, might as well be now. If I get it to work maybe I'll post it.


Scott Hopkins
2004-01-16, 06:05 PM
Take a look at this post...


2018-08-22, 10:45 PM
I heard there are plenty of options out there better than board+batten. Please check those out first as they are more durable. I'm not sure why you'd want that. I got a quote from conservation construction, they may still sell this old stuff, but you may want to look into newer companies