View Full Version : Copied Schedule Loses Fields

2005-06-29, 01:28 AM
When I copy my Room Schedule from sheet to sheet between projects, none of the "scheduled fields" that I added from either the "available fields" or "add parameter" command in the old schedule appear in the "scheduled fields" box of the new (copied) schedule.

That is to say that when I copied my Room Schedule, which had 13 "scheduled fields", the new room schedule contained only 3 "scheduled fields". Additionally, none of the text information that I inputted into the old schedule is available in the new. I'll have to type it all over again.

How do I reuse the schedule and all of the information in it in a new project?

2005-06-29, 05:52 AM
...How do I reuse the schedule and all of the information in it in a new project?...
When you copy and paste a schedule from one project sheet view to another project's sheet view, the fields should appear in the new project as well. If they don't, make sure a schedule by that name doesn't already exist in the project. If one does...nothing will happen, you'll get a copy of what is already in the project, not what you believe you pasted.

The data in the schedule however will not. Remember the data is part of the rooms and a schedule just displays the information. If there are no rooms tagged yet but you have filled out the schedule in advance, they won't come along with the schedule, unless you first place tags and then copy the room tags into other project. You can place the tags even though no walls define them and they will report as "Not Enclosed".