View Full Version : Family Trusses ( Was subcategory projection-cut )

2004-01-15, 11:34 PM
What is the difference between projection and cut in the line weights. I am building a truss from the rugi site instructions but it doesn't mention what to select when making the lines for the chord bones. Projection or Cut. I am running version 6.0 Maybe the instructions were for earlier version without these options.??

2004-01-16, 12:12 AM
Projection is elevation and cut is section.

You would probably want the chords to show in projection ( elevation ) as viewed in a section through the building.

2004-01-16, 12:58 AM
When I drag down the truss to change the height the entire truss moves.
I am sure I have all the locks proper.
Any ideas?

2004-01-16, 01:06 AM
In the truss family, you would change the height by moving the top reference plane.

When loaded into a project and with parameters set to instance, you would pull a shape handle.

2004-01-16, 01:24 AM
I am moving the top reference line. Problem is everything moves including the bottom reference line.

2004-01-16, 01:40 AM
Is the bottom reference plane locked ?

2004-01-16, 03:20 AM
No it wasn't. Thanks for the help

2004-01-16, 12:30 PM
Now it moves like it is supposed to until I put the dimensions in and make them an instance parameter. Once I do this I get the error constraints are not satisfied and the dimensions turn red when viewing this.
What now?

2004-01-16, 12:58 PM
Update last info.

I am in front elevation view. I put in the reference lines as per instructions on RUGI. Then I lock the bottom reference plane and the left one. I pick the right side and move it. Everything expands EQ as it is supposed to. Same with the height.
As soon as I dimension "no matter what kind, instance or normal" I get constraint error. Delete the dimension and it works fine.
What part of the instructions am I missing.??

2004-01-16, 01:59 PM
If you can post the family, we can likely do a better job of assisting you.

2004-01-16, 08:50 PM

2004-01-17, 02:37 AM
Hi mjml,

Are you working in 6.0 ?

I opened it in 6.0 and it appears to flex properly.

Are you using the Family Types dialogue to flex it ?

2004-01-17, 03:28 AM
What is family types dialogue??

2004-01-17, 04:08 AM
To flex the family, ( ie test that it behaves as expected ), click on "Family Types" in the Design Bar and change the parameter for " Length" and check that the reference planes change as expected, then do the same for for the parameter " Height".

Dont try adjusting the reference planes themselves within the Family.

2004-01-17, 12:00 PM
Thanks Beegee.