View Full Version : Door Schedule

Kirk Bricker
2005-06-29, 02:53 PM
I need some advice on how to show doors in a schedule that have different numbers and phases. I have filtered my new doors by number starting with 1st floor, mark is greater than or equal to 100. The Architect wants me to show some of the existing doors in the schedule, they have odd door numbers 1A, 23, 1-11, S-1, and so on. It is getting really hard to sort the doors with only four chances at filtering these doors. Should I just create a parameter that is yes/no (Show in schedule)?



2005-06-29, 03:23 PM
The short answer is YES... Search this forum or look under help for SHARED PARAMETERS.

2005-06-29, 06:00 PM
I think an easier technique to use in filtering out doors that you don't want to schedule is to use a parameter that is already standard for doors, such as "Comments," (rather than creating a new shared parameter, which is a little more trouble) and filter your door schedule view for the field "Comments" and select "Is Not Equal to" and use a string like "NOT IN SCHEDULE." Then, just edit entries that show up in your door schedule that you don't want by typing "NOT IN SCHEDULE" under the Comments column, and they will disappear one by one from your schedule.

2005-06-29, 06:13 PM
...good tip Haden.

2005-06-30, 12:29 PM
Hey there,
Great Tip! Thanks

2005-06-30, 12:38 PM
I love the idea, thanks bud

Kirk Bricker
2005-06-30, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the reply Hadens


2005-06-30, 03:00 PM
You might also consider using phasing as you are attempting to show "Existing" doors.

FWIW, shared parameters are not that difficult and once set up you can use them over and over thus eliminating a lot of typing.

2005-06-30, 05:59 PM
Revit's scheduling funtionality is so fantastic that you can find many great ways of using it; even down to making easy changes on the fly during a project, once you understand the database tools at your fingertips. (And, unlike ADT, you don't have to decide which drawing files need to be attached to the schedule! The doors all exist in the single Revit project database.)

You might also consider using phasing as you are attempting to show "Existing" doors.
I find that with an existing building that has some renovation and addition work, I want to schedule only a portion of the existing doors -- either the ones which get modified, or just some of the existing doors which are not to change, but are in rooms that are changing in other ways, to clarify the scope of work in and around those renovated rooms. The system I mentioned allows that flexibility. For existing doors to remain, I usually put "EXISTING - NO CHANGE" in the same comment parameter field in the schedule.

FWIW, shared parameters are not that difficult and once set up you can use them over and over thus eliminating a lot of typing.
Where I feel it starts to be more trouble is the fact that if I add one shared parameter which I want to use in my door schedule, I have to open each door family and load that shared parameter into that family, then resave and reload back into the project before that field becomes editable in my project's door schedule. However, we thank you developers for the new Revit Building 8 features in-place "edit family" option and the "Load into Project" button without browse for the original file. Definitely a GREAT improvement!

David Conant
2005-06-30, 06:25 PM
"Where I feel it starts to be more trouble is the fact that if I add one shared parameter which I want to use in my door schedule, I have to open each door family and load that shared parameter into that family, then re-save and reload back into the project before that field becomes editable in my project's door schedule. However, we thank you developers for the new Revit Building 8 features in-place "edit family" option and the "Load into Project" button without browse for the original file. Definitely a GREAT improvement!"
No need to open the families, add parameters, and reload. Go to Settings|Project Parameters. Add the Shared Parameter as an instance parameter and select Doors as the category to apply it to. This parameter will now be available for all doors in the project. It will not clutter up your door families for which it may not be useful in the future.

2005-06-30, 06:34 PM
...and further: If you only need it in the schedule - don't make it a shared param. but rather just a project param. Even less clutter.

Personally I'd like the whole shared param. file to vanish. If I add ANY information to a family or project it should be schedule-able, exportable and tag-able. Automatically.