View Full Version : 3D For Particular Levels

2005-06-30, 10:04 AM
I hope I am missing something but is there any way you can create 3D Views that just contain the objects for a particular level or levels. I am working on a 2 story house with basement and it would be nice not to have to create a 3D View then hide all the objects on say the 2nd floor to get a 3D View of the 1st Floor.

Bill Maddox

Max Lloyd
2005-06-30, 10:13 AM
go to your 3d view. Select the 'view' drop down menu, then 'orient', then to 'other view'. Select the floor plan view you want to see. It will then give you a 3d view looking directly down on the plan. Press F8 then spin the view to where you want.

You wil notice a big 'box' around the model (called 'section box') which you can move around to increase or decrease the amount of the building you see. You can also apply the same technique to get a perspective sectional cut away on a floor plan.

Trust that helps.


2005-06-30, 01:45 PM
You can turn the 'Section Box' (which is a wireframe cube) on in any 3d view in the view properties dialogue box and crop the view with it.

2005-07-01, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the help Max & Elrond. That would work.

Bill Maddox

2007-01-19, 11:19 PM
go to your 3d view. Select the 'view' drop down menu, then 'orient', then to 'other view'. Select the floor plan view you want to see. It will then give you a 3d view looking directly down on the plan. Press F8 then spin the view to where you want.

You wil notice a big 'box' around the model (called 'section box') which you can move around to increase or decrease the amount of the building you see. You can also apply the same technique to get a perspective sectional cut away on a floor plan.

Trust that helps.


Not bad, but...Can't find the section box. Also, can't find any info on section boxes in Help. Also, would like to lessen the extreme perspective distortion (all the objects look like they're being pulled up like taffy).

2007-01-19, 11:48 PM
Got it. Section Box is exactly that box line you described. Also, figured out how to get rid of the "taffy" effect: set the eye level at 40' or so, the target at 0, then orient the view. Then when you stretch that box, it's less likely to create distortion.

2007-01-20, 08:51 AM
Make sure you're not placing section boxes on camera views (perspectives), only duplicates of your {3D} view which is isometric.

2007-01-21, 12:06 AM
Cool, Thanks Max. I didn't know that. My Revit learning experience for the day.

2007-01-21, 04:00 AM
You could also accomplish it with parameters and Filters.

2007-01-21, 04:16 AM
now cut that out! only one learning experience per day!:)

2007-01-21, 07:21 PM
now cut that out! only one learning experience per day!:)
Get used to it. There is no end to knowledge (especially in Revit world).

Now, if we could just multi-select heterogeneous things and change parameters all at once :( . The way it is we can only multi-change parameters if we select objects of similar categories, right? This hurts the most when I'm trying to change the phase of lots of things at once.