View Full Version : Cut pattern settings for columns

Paul Monsef
2004-01-17, 12:35 AM
OK, I think i'm losing it.

I have a few column families that do not display a cut pattern unless joined to a wall... Is this normal? It seems to work fine in the actual family file, but when i load it into a project, no solid fill?? :?

i've double checked the material settings in the family, tripple checked the object style settings and quadruple checked the material settings... :banghead:

I must have forgot to say please or something.

2004-01-17, 12:41 AM
This is a known bug, and it hasn't been fixed in 6.0 AFAIK.

Check out this topic (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=371&highlight=column+cut)

Paul Monsef
2004-01-17, 01:03 AM
That does it... I can't take it anymore... "Double Tanqueray and tonic please" :beer:


2004-01-18, 05:15 AM
This has always bugged me, I've never understood why some family types don't behave the same as others. I think with columns its because revit wants them to take on the fill of the wall so they coded them diff. I tend to make my columns a diff family type if I need to show a cut pattern, but its still annoying. I have a project with dozens of columns some in walls and some stand alone and the ones in the wall have a nice solid grey fill, the ones out don't and the only way to get them to is to place a filled region or detail component over each one(or what I ended up doing is creating a detail component of the col and load it into the col family) that worked well.

2004-02-04, 03:59 AM
If you have a similar wall nearby (does not need to be touching) you can "join geometry" the column to the wall and the column will appear as though they are joined. It's still annoying. :?

2004-02-04, 05:39 AM
Standard columns take on the properties of the wall thru' it.
Structural Columns however have there own properties. Open one of the Structural columns & add a Material Parameter to it, so that in the project you can manipulate your surface/cut Materials. this way they will display as you wish in what ever view. I seldom use standard columns off Modeling for this very reason!

2004-02-04, 09:27 PM
a work around is to include a little piece of wall "inside" each column with the cut pattern you want.

2004-02-05, 12:31 AM
Sorry for your trouble :oops:

It looks like we are finally fixing this for 6.1. Until then for standard columns you can use the Join Geometry trick mentioned by Greg.

The crux of the matter is to force the column instance to have its own geometry. Normally it uses the precomputed solid from its type which have the bug you complain about. When it is joined to something, the shape may change, so the instance must have geometry on its own.

So it does not really matter what is the column joined to or if it actually intersects the other object.

Unfortunately this same bug appears for other elements that may not be joinable, so you just need to wait for the 6.1 fix for them.

2004-02-05, 02:37 AM
Okay...Friday it is then...I can wait till then, thanks Tamas! Good news... :D

Scott D Davis
2004-02-05, 03:05 AM
you heard it here first....

"Revit 6.1.....Friday....."

2004-02-05, 05:57 AM
Already got it.

Paul Monsef
2004-02-05, 04:31 PM
Friday?? Really??? or is this just another example of "Dynamic Equivalence".... :wink:

2004-02-06, 02:08 AM
Steve, Friday?

Apparently you've forgotten that Revit has been consumed by the Autodesk beast. They're probably making the developers submit their code for review before posting. The reviewers are probably all post-ADT programmers who have an axe to grind with Revit anyway. Not to mention that all of these reviewers probably schedule their vacations beginning the day before each release date.

Hmmmmm, I'm just speaking from appearances sake from other Autodesk products. :wink: