View Full Version : detail components - newbie

2004-01-17, 07:23 PM
I'm attempting to add corner boards over lap siding. I tried bringing in wood-board.fra from the library and it wont load the family into the view i'm in. Then I tried bringing in the cove gutter - no luck.

So 2 part question -

1. how would I go about putting in a corner board.

2. are the families in the library some how dependent on what view level your in.

2004-01-17, 09:32 PM

Nice Avatar. What do you ride?

I usually create corner boards with an in-place family of an extrusion. This allows me to use any size boards I want depending on the design intent.

Detail Components are two-dimensional "stickers" that are only visible in the view they are placed.

2004-01-17, 09:40 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but are corner boards and corner trim the same thing? If so, try this:

2004-01-18, 05:07 AM
I think you may be confused between detail components and components, a corner board(corner trim) 3d element would be a component and need to be placed using the component command. A detail component is a 2d representation of an object for detailing.

2004-01-19, 03:07 PM
I have done this by using the host sweep with a corner board profile. You just have to make sure that the corners you are placing it on are mitered. I would like the ability to place these sweeps in to a schedule in order so to extract a total lengths and such. This however will be solved with some time which I seam to have little of at the moment.