View Full Version : i can't change a component color

2005-07-06, 08:12 AM
Hi all and good morning,
as usual i'm crashing with simple things!!

Here's the problem :

this morning i had the brilliant idea of change the colour of a couch i'm using

i opened the family, and i changed the color to white from blue, in the family all works good also printing it

loading it in the project or loading it from the library, the color shows always blue despite of the material's color in the properties is blue :-(

i know i forgot to do something sinple...but where is it????? :-)

I noticed that , if you open it in a new project it is blue!!!!!

Thanks as usual for helping me,

2005-07-06, 11:34 AM
The definition of a material can be different in each project/family so...
Say you have a material defined in your family with the name 'Finish Colour' currently set to shade in white.

When you first use that component it will bring the material 'Finish Colour' into your project and set it to shade in white. If you then open the family and change the shade colour of the 'Finish Colour' material to shade in red you will have re-defined the colour only in the current family and therefore when you re-load the family into your project the material 'Finish Colour' will already exist with its original colour (white).

bottom line: re-define the material in the project.

Hope that made sense!


2005-07-06, 02:35 PM
In simpler terms, just go to your materials in the project the couch is in, find the material that is loaded for the couch, and change the material settings there. You don't need to open and edit the family just to change the color, and as Roy stated, it wouldn't matter anyway, since materials are project-specific.

2005-07-06, 03:22 PM
Ok...i did it !!

Thanks again

2005-07-06, 03:34 PM
Only another question : you're saying there is no way to change the color of the component in the library to change the color in the project loading the family again on it ??

Maybe i don't understand well......is not very clear for me also in italian :-(

2005-07-07, 12:17 PM
If the family has a material with the same name as a material that exist already in the project, when that family is loaded into the project, the project material always takes precedence over the family material.

To have the family control the material, you will either need to give the family material a unique name, or else, delete the material of that name, from the project.

2005-07-07, 04:37 PM
Ciao Beegee,
maybe i didn't understand you well;
i tried to delete the material from the project and the couch i have into it went gray....but if i import that one , blue, i have in the library it gets gray too...also if i delete first the family in the project and, after , the material......importing that blue it get gray....we have the same situation only having the basic colour.....; did i do something wrong??

2005-07-07, 05:59 PM
Basically you want to set the subcategory for the object. then control the material of the object from the project. If you want multiple materials for the object, you add a material parameter in the family, then you can make diff. types of the same object each with a diff. material. Again the material is ultimately defined in the project not the family editor. Anything defined in the editor, will most likely be a duplicate of whats in the project and the project "wins". You also don't have many materials in the family editor, so you would end up creating materials there in addition to creating them in the project.