View Full Version : Topo Sub-regions not rotating...

Adam Mac
2005-07-07, 04:25 AM
Hi all -

Am trying to rotate the site plan to the correct orientation, have set the VP to True North,
then used "rotate project true north" (whatever), and am now trying to "re-align" my site boundaries and topo which includes sub-regions.
I'm using the standard "rotate" command to do this part... is that correct?
The sub-regions within the topo surface don't seem to want to rotate back with the rest of the main surface - they're doing something strange.

Can anyone please offer any advice?



2005-07-07, 11:49 AM
When you select "Rotate this Project ", you can either enter an angle in the options bar, or graphically rotate the project, in a similar fashion to a standard rotate command.

The entire project, including topo sub regions should rotate.

I'm not seeing anything unusual with this. Maybe you can post the file ?

Adam Mac
2005-07-07, 10:59 PM
Hi beegee -

Yes i can get the whole topo surface (inc. subs) to rotate when i initially use the "rotate project true north" command. As i've already drawn the boundary and surface prior to rotating true north the problem then occurs when i need to rotate these back into the correct position (now that the building is rotated correctly).

Tried attaching file but too big - would appreciate any feedback/ideas you can offer.



Adam Mac
2005-07-08, 12:23 AM
Have attached a .JPG which might make it a bit easier to understand....?

2005-07-08, 02:30 AM
The sub regions do not rotate relative to the site topography, Revit maintains their position on screen when you rotate the topo. I don't know if this is intended but that is how it behaves at present. If you rotate the site first the sub regions should remain intact, floating part in and part out of the site perhaps, so you can rotate them separately by the same angle. If you use the same origin point when you rotate the topo and the sub regions they should line up afterward. You can sketch a couple lines or use some portion of the bldg to establish this origin point.

Adam Mac
2005-07-08, 02:56 AM
Thanks Steve - that's probably it! I'll give that a try.
Thanks for your input.

