View Full Version : View range problem

2005-07-07, 07:20 PM
I have a 2nd floor plan with the view depth set to 2nd floor and yet I am seeing the 1st floor
"Floor" below from the 2nd floor plan, I am in hidden line mode, no underlay is set. not sure how to get the 1st floor not to show, any ideas?

2005-07-07, 07:39 PM
Is there a floor modeled? View depth is good you say, what about view bottom range? (check for offsets in each?) Check for DWG's turned on? Go to a shading view then back to a hidden line and see if you are still getting the error.

***In Visibility/Graphics- make sure floors are truned on***

I have a 2nd floor plan with the view depth set to 2nd floor and yet I am seeing the 1st floor
"Floor" below from the 2nd floor plan, I am in hidden line mode, no underlay is set. not sure how to get the 1st floor not to show, any ideas?