View Full Version : Editting the profile of curved wall?

2005-07-08, 10:51 AM
Hi there.
Does anyone know how to edit the profile of a curved wall?
Thanks Craig Howie South Africa

2005-07-08, 11:04 AM
Hello Craig,

If you just want to taper the height of the curved wall then in elevation , draw a reference plane at the angle of the taper and attach the top of the wall to the reference plane.
You can't use the edit profile option as you can with straight walls, so if you want holes or steps in the wall you will need in-place voids and cut geometry.

have a look at the attached.


2005-07-08, 12:41 PM
So it was that easy!

Thanks alot Roy

2005-07-08, 04:18 PM
...you will need in-place voids and cut geometry....You can also use the opening tool found on the Modelling design bar tab.