View Full Version : Wipeout and Draworder on Sheets

2005-07-08, 01:40 PM
Is there a general wipeout command?
Is there a general draworder command?

Is it possible to block areas of your titleblock out?
For instance; I have a secondary revision number table on which I want to show only the last revision number but instead all of the previous numbers are showing. I would like to wipeout (mask) the extra text. This also would bring up the draworder issue since you may want to shuffle what is and isn't wiped out.

2005-07-08, 03:27 PM
Use a white filled region with invisible line borders. I think that will do the trick!

2005-07-08, 04:05 PM
In the sheet view it's not giving me an option to draw a filled region.

2005-07-08, 04:09 PM
I think the only way is to place the filled region within the titleblock family and use a visiblity parameter to control. Don't know if that will help you...

2005-07-08, 05:13 PM
How would I use a visiblity parameter to control whether it's on top of the titleblock labels and text?

2005-07-08, 07:43 PM
...text is always on top. Of everything. No matter what.

You'll need to look at other options such as manually filling in the rev. info. (Just as quick as using the automated schedule really.)

2005-07-08, 08:14 PM
Well, that answers all of my questions at once. Then I think I may suggest a general wipeout and draworder to the wishlist. Do think it's worth it?

Thanks Brad and Aaron!

Kevin Janik
2008-06-27, 04:15 PM
...text is always on top. Of everything. No matter what.

You'll need to look at other options such as manually filling in the rev. info. (Just as quick as using the automated schedule really.)

Is this still true? I would like to mask part of a piece of text in an annotation family. Does not work.


Rick Houle
2008-06-27, 06:20 PM
All hope is not lost.

You can mask over annotation objects with a Symbol containing white fill and invisible lines. You can place them in the sheet or in the view. They will mask anything, including text, lines, cad, other symbols... works easily enough to be a quick solution...
(well, it is for me. I created a flexible symbol family so i can stretch and drag it over other 'stuff' in those random situations.)

Hope this helps..!

2008-06-27, 09:29 PM
Hope this helps..!

It will! Not sure where and how i'll use it, but i know i discovered the hard way the other day that you can't mask annotation objects. I'll try this if the opportunity presents itself again. Thanks.

Kevin Janik
2008-06-27, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the help! Go to know.

I was trying to mask part of a number label in a View family, so when it came into my sheet a portion of it was clipped off. See attached. I finally copied the label and used almost white text and made it opaque to get it to mask. All the masking I did in the family did not work in the sheet for some reason.

The View number in the top of the circle and the 1A above are really all 1A but the one in the circle has the other white 1A label over the end of it to cover up the A. This way we can have a string of interior elevations with only one View Title on with all the text and numbers for the first one in a line of them and the others have everything off except the "1A" number under the elevation left corners.


2008-06-27, 10:56 PM
Is there a general wipeout command?
Is there a general draworder command?

Is it possible to block areas of your titleblock out?
For instance; I have a secondary revision number table on which I want to show only the last revision number but instead all of the previous numbers are showing. I would like to wipeout (mask) the extra text. This also would bring up the draworder issue since you may want to shuffle what is and isn't wiped out.

If the goal is to make some part of the title block go away, on a case by case basis, why not use a visibility parameter in the title block and control it there?

One place this didn't use to work is an image, for example a digital stamp, that you want to go away in the Not For Construction version of the title block. For that, the old approach is to have a parameter for the size of the image, and shrink it down really small. Not sure if that kludge is even still needed in 2009. But a request for Masking Region on a title block sure sounds like a visibility parameter waiting to be used.
