View Full Version : Delete multiple model patterns

Chirag Mistry
2005-07-08, 05:27 PM
Is there a way to delete multiple model patterns at one time...we had brought in some work from AutoCAD in revit and now the model pattern is filled with ****...is there an easier way to clean it up..other than going to settings selecting each and deleting ?


Chirag Mistry
2005-07-08, 05:33 PM
same thing for line patterns have all $a$...line patterns from autocad. How to get rid of it ?

2005-07-08, 11:52 PM
Fill patterns and Line patterns can be deleted from the Settings Menu drop down for each category, in their respective dialogue boxes.

Scott D Davis
2005-07-09, 01:05 AM
or if they are not in use, can be purged from the project with File>Purge Unused

2005-07-09, 01:53 AM
My understanding is that fill patterns and line styles are not purged.