View Full Version : Wall won't attach correctly to roof

2005-07-08, 06:00 PM
I have a wall in an attic space that I need to run all the way up to the roof. So I start by drawing an unconnected wall with whatever height setting. The wall sticks through the roof near the eave (see first attached image).

Then I pick the wall and try to attach it to the roof. The part that was sticking through before does indeed trim to the roof, and the rest of the wall trims up to the roof, but only one one side of the roof. Once the wall gets past the peak of the roof, it continues up at the same angle and sticks out the other side of the roof (see second attached image). The roof is all one object, as you can see by roof being pre-highlighted in the second image. Any ideas?

This same thing occured yesterday, and somehow it seemed to fix itself when I did something else, but I can't remember what I did. :(

2005-07-08, 06:07 PM
Please post your simplified example (wall and roof only with needed levels) here or send model to Support. You can try splitting wall (at ridge) to see if that really helps, but please send model to the Factory even if that helps.

2005-07-08, 11:47 PM
Patrick, try detaching the wall, then adjusting its height to be above the ridge line, then attach to roof. I've had success with this in the past.

2005-07-09, 01:30 AM
First, make sure the wall was not attached to another object before by selecting detach all, then attach again to the roof, if you get the same results, split the wall in two at the ridge line and then attach each wall to the roof, if this doesn't work for one of the sides, create a reference plane line following the bottom side of your roof in a section or elevation view, if it still doesn't work, delete the wall that is not attaching correctly and then create a new one and re-attach it.

2005-07-09, 04:29 AM
I just found a sim. issue on a project, I had to split the wall for it to attach to 2 diff. roof faces. I think this is new to 8.0. when I clicked split it attached automatically and didn't actually split the wall as far as I can tell.

2005-07-11, 07:36 PM
If nothing works, edit the wall profile with the desire shape (if the wall is not curved).

2005-07-12, 12:03 AM
Well this is quite odd.

Patrick, try detaching the wall, then adjusting its height to be above the ridge line, then attach to roof. I've had success with this in the past.
This didn't work.

First, make sure the wall was not attached to another object before by selecting detach all, then attach again to the roof

split the wall in two at the ridge line and then attach each wall to the roof
This worked. Actually I left the wall attached, and then just split the wall in a random spot in the middle, and then it worked.

2005-07-13, 01:35 PM
We got issue reproduced at Factory.

The cause of the bug is that one end of the wall is completely disappearing as result of attachment.

Usually Revit complains, but in this case result is not what expected.

As soon as user brings end control (sticking outside the roof) to coincide with face on bottom of the roof, attachment is fine.

Sorry for trouble.